1st let me start off by saying I was Baptised and Confirmed a Catholic, after my Confirmation I seldom went to Church because my parents were 24/7 working parents, my Dad owned his own business and mom was an R.N and a supervisor at a large Hospital. It’s not that my parents were “cultural” Catholics, they both had a deep faith, it’s just that there never seemed to be enough “time” for Church and my parents could only spend time together and with me on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. When I was at College I had a “born again” experience and got involved in Pentecostal and later on a Baptist Church. In my late 20’s I joined the Episcopal Church and when I saw what was happening there with all the controversies I joined the Reformed Episcopal Church in 1997. For family reasons in 1999 (taking care of my now disabled father who recently passed away) I moved back to my hometown. I cannot go to the Episcopal Church and I disagree with some Baptist/Evangelical beliefs. So my options are the Lutherans, Methodists or the Catholic Church. I would like to go with the Catholic Church but there are some Catholic doctrines I disagree with. I have read a good part of the Catholic Catechism, listened to and read Catholic Apologists, and while there is much I agree with there is also much I disagree with, to me there are some Catholic Dogmas that I feel are simply not Biblical, for example : I agree with the Protestant view on Justification by Faith, I disagree with the Catholic view of Justification as a process, it strikes me as being “works” righteoussness and the whole thing about Purgatory, these seem to nullify what Christ did on the Cross for us. The Assumption of Mary which has no Biblical basis at all. The Mass I have no problems with nor is asking the Saints to pray for us. The main difficulties I have are the ones I mentioned. Could I be a Catholic and believe what I believe about Justification, Purgatory, and the Assumtion of Mary? Or would it be better for me to stay a Protestant? Lutherans and Methodists have more in common with Catholic belief than say Baptists or Calvary Chapel. I really am in a difficult situation. Please pray for me. In Christ, jurist12