I received a reply from a vocation director:
"The issue of vocation is a complicated one. It takes time, prayer, and lots of efforts in discernment. Some clues are important. Like God calls you to serve his kingdom, and he has given you the charisms for that. So, there is the question, what do you do well for the kingdom? or what do you enjoy doing for the Kingdom? Then God does not call to impossible things. So if you dont know how to sing, God is not calling you to be a Benedictine. Aside from that you can already start discarding some options.
You can start working on those questions already. There are many religious congregations so discerning their different charisms is also a time-consuming task. I hope this helps as a head start."
The question is, how do I know my charisms? I don’t think I have any. It’s really frustrating, because I don’t know which religious order should I do discernment. Besides that, I can’t rationalize it why I feel attracted towards religious life. So I have difficulty when a vocation director asks me about it.
Is it possible that I misunderstood the Calling? Besides that, I don’t have any Spiritual Director and I don’t know how to find one. I’ve been praying for almost 7 months now asking God to help me to find a SD, but no answer.
It seems that all the priests in my diocese are busy, even the priests in my church, it’s difficult to talk to them because if I met him after mass, he’d just say “Hi, how are you?” then talk to other parishioners, I’ve not even answered!
I really feel left out.
It really makes me sad. I feel that God is calling me, but He doesn’t provide me with anything to help me to discern. What should I do?
"The issue of vocation is a complicated one. It takes time, prayer, and lots of efforts in discernment. Some clues are important. Like God calls you to serve his kingdom, and he has given you the charisms for that. So, there is the question, what do you do well for the kingdom? or what do you enjoy doing for the Kingdom? Then God does not call to impossible things. So if you dont know how to sing, God is not calling you to be a Benedictine. Aside from that you can already start discarding some options.
You can start working on those questions already. There are many religious congregations so discerning their different charisms is also a time-consuming task. I hope this helps as a head start."
The question is, how do I know my charisms? I don’t think I have any. It’s really frustrating, because I don’t know which religious order should I do discernment. Besides that, I can’t rationalize it why I feel attracted towards religious life. So I have difficulty when a vocation director asks me about it.
Is it possible that I misunderstood the Calling? Besides that, I don’t have any Spiritual Director and I don’t know how to find one. I’ve been praying for almost 7 months now asking God to help me to find a SD, but no answer.
It seems that all the priests in my diocese are busy, even the priests in my church, it’s difficult to talk to them because if I met him after mass, he’d just say “Hi, how are you?” then talk to other parishioners, I’ve not even answered!
I really feel left out.
It really makes me sad. I feel that God is calling me, but He doesn’t provide me with anything to help me to discern. What should I do?