Disabled Discerner

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Had such a long, heartfelt story…but it was too long for the post limit 😦 so here’s the short version:

I am a somewhat older discerner (mid to late 30’s), and I have disabilities (of a variable nature…I use a power chair for longer distances, but can walk in my home. I have just had a hard, complicated life. I was called to vocation at 10 and 11 years of age, but felt I was surely too young to be correct (and was mocked at home for trying to put my pillowcase on my head as a “veil!”).

As I’ve gone through life - and ESPECIALLY as I’ve gone through late-onset disabilities - I feel as though I’ve lost my chance to become a Sister. I feel quite strongly called to evangelization as opposed to becoming a nun, focused more solely on contemplation…and am actually very much drawn to the Daughters of St. Paul. I feel that their charism of using modern media is actually a message that is quite workable as someone that has disabilities; as well, I am also drawn to being part of an order that wears a habit. As a younger person using a power chair, I already get glances and attention…why not use that to draw attention to God, instead?

How surprised would many be to see that a younger woman in a power chair was ALSO wearing a habit, smiling, full of the joy of knowing the Love of Christ? That she had, by choice, left behind a home and a relationship (yes, he’s aware of my calling) to serve God? I want to be able to use my conditions to help minister to those that often ONLY use books or the internet as a form of contact, due to their disabilities…and let them know that God does indeed still love them very much!

In studying the saints, I know that many were affected by illnesses and afflictions…but in current times, I feel that the disabled are cut off from the chance of living life as a vowed Religious. I know that there are examples of priests with disabilities, but despite what was put out by Pope Francis during the Year of Mercy, I feel that working to make the Sacraments “more available” to those with disabilities has seemed to mean in every way EXCEPT for Holy Orders.

I’ve looked into Third Orders, becoming a hermit, etc…and none of these things are what I feel called by God to do. I understand the concerns of the costs involved with disability, and at times the inability to do certain things, or the need for appointments here and there. However, I feel pulled to find a way to make this happen…I can’t imagine that God would give me such a strong call, only for me to have to say “I can’t.” I just can’t see that happening.

Does anyone have any advice…? Would it help if I had insurance, income, or other money available to offset the costs involved with disability over time? I know that the costs involved with disability are a factor in not allowing women with disabilities, or over a certain age, to enter into convents, as many are on a tight budget as it is.
Have you applied to the Daughters of St. Paul? What was their opinion?
Perhaps look into becoming a Consecrated Virgin.
I have not applied to them yet, but have been “stalking” them on social media 😂

I actually tried to email them, but it got bounced back to me…the way their site is set up, it’s difficult to find someone to contact directly via email…and I’m sadly not a virgin (I have a marriage from years ago that is in the process of being annulled…don’t know if that also hurts my chances!). I just feel VERY pulled to their charism.

I have worked with people with disabilities for many years before I myself became disabled…at first it was upsetting, as I had “planned my life” in a very “safe” way, and then things changed…I was upset about this for a time, but I truly feel that my calling is to help minister to those that are also feeling marginalized by society…as Jesus said, “the last shall be first;” and in today’s society, we are definitely put “last!”

I feel a deep passion to help spread Jesus’ message to people in these situations…I know that many end up losing jobs, friendships, and relationships, and end up in isolation. I have spent much time on forums where people feel hopeless, and completely cast aside. In many of these areas, things are expected to remain secular…but you can’t make someone hide the fact that they are “Sister Mary,” or the fact that they are wearing a habit in their picture! 🙂

I also feel that this is something needed in the community, as well. So many with disabilities are not able to connect with their faith, physically, or in some cases, cognitively. And I actually have some special skills that I feel could be put to great use in this area.
Their vocation director is SO sweet! My friend is a sister and I’ve traveled a few hours to see her vows. They were all just sweethearts.

As a note–they typically only allow for those under 30, but they may make an exception.

You also might try some franciscan orders–like the Sisters for Life as they work into the community.
Thank you for sharing…I was wondering why they all looked so young in the pictures! 🙂

I’m hoping to get a chance to speak to them so that I can try to state my case…my charism falls more in line with theirs, when my different disabilities (and abilities and talents!) are taken into consideration. Also…this is odd, but…despite feeling the calling as a child…I was not disabled until I was OVER 30…and it’s actually my disabilities, and many of the talents and things that I have learned since then, that have made me ready for His call.

While some (wrongly!) look at those with disabilities as lacking or missing something, or somehow “less than”…it was the onset of my disabilities that is what finally made me ready for His call. In losing SOME abilities, I was made whole 🙂
I don’t have any advice, and there is already good advice here, but I love your story about wearing the pillowcase as a veil.
That is the sweetest thing!
You should call. Even if they don’t have great news for you, you will be glad you spoke to them. Out of all the sisters I know they are the most lively and expressive. The CFR brothers being the most lively of the male vocations.
Thanks! I’ve been wondering if they were an option if I was not able to be out serving in community…but I know that all I’ve seen about them has been from the early 2000s, and that they were a small order…the last I had read was that they had gone down from 21 to 17 in number, as 4 had passed away. I want to look into reaching out to them, and seeing if they are still there, and planned to have a presence for the foreseeable future, since I would probably be much younger than most there.

Does anyone know if this order is still functioning?
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