Disbelief & Faith

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The power of faith is enormous. It is so great that it not only saves the believer: thanks to one person’s faith others are saved also.

The paralytic at Capernaum did not have faith. But the men who brought him to Jesus and let him down through the roof had it. The soul of the sick man was ill as well as his body. That is made clear in the Gospel: ‘And when Jesus saw their faith he said……”Rise, take up your pallet and go home.”’ The Gospel does not speak of ‘his’ faith but of ‘their’ faith. The stretcher-bearers believed and the paralytic had the benefit of being healed because of it. (Mark 2:1-11)

Then there is the death of Lazarus. Four days had passed. His body was already decomposing. How could one who had been dead for so many days believe and himself ask for the Deliverer? He could not possibly do so, but his sisters provided the faith for him. When they met the Lord, one sister fell down at his feet. He asked, ‘Where have you laid him?’ The other sister said, ‘Lord, by this time there will be a bad smell.’ Then the Lord said, ‘If you believe you will see the glory of God.’ As if to say, ‘As regards faith, you must take the place of the dead man.’ And the faith of the sisters succeeded in calling Lazarus back from the hereafter. (John 11:1-44)

So if these two women by believing in place of the other were able to secure his resurrection, how much more certainly will you be able to secure it for yourself by your own faith?

Perhaps your own faith is feeble. Nevertheless, the Lord who is love will stoop downto you, provided only you are penitent and can say sincerely from the depths of your soul: ‘Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.’ (Mark 9:23)

Cyril of Jerusalem

WE COME to Thee, dear Lord, like the Apostles, saying: “INCREASE OUR FAITH.”

Give us a VIVID FAITH, that Thou art really present in the Blessed Sacrament, a STRONG and ACTIVE FAITH that we may live by it.

Give us the FAITH of Thy beloved disciple, John, to recognize Thee and say: “It is the Lord.” “My God and my All!”

Give us the FAITH of Peter to fall on our knees and confess: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

Give us the FAITH of Mary Magdalen to fall at Thy Feet, crying, “Rabboni, Master!”

Give us the FAITH of the father of the sick boy, that FAITH which Thou didst reward with a miracle when he cried out in tears, “I do believe, Lord! help my unbelief.”

Give us the FAITH of all Thy Saints to whom the Blessed Sacrament was Heaven begun on earth.

In every Communion and at every visit, increase our FAITH, our LOVE, our HUMILITY, our REVERENCE, and all good things will come to us. Dearest Lord, INCREASE OUR FAITH
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