Discalced Carmelites

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Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I was wondering what your opinions are on The Discalced Carmelites and their way of spirituality. Also, The Poor School Sisters of Notre Dame founder Blessed Teresa of Jesus Gerhardinger has come to my attention but I can find so little information in her. Anyone have experience with her or her order? I thank you for your thoughts and insight.

With love and peace -

You mention Sisters, but use the name Zachary (I’m probably being a little dense) so I’m not sure whether your interest in is a male or female Order as Discalced Carmelites communities exist for both men and women, both of which I’ve been acquainted with.

These Carmelite Orders do live in both prayer and work within their communities.
Every Christmas I receive a newsletter from our nearest Discalced Carmelites community, as there has been a link of friendship for many years. They grow vegetables along with a range of self-supporting activities. Prayer and practical reality goes hand in hand in the Religious Life.

The life has its blessings and its difficulties as of course you will realize.
A link to the life of most loved of Discalced Carmelites


God bless you in your discernment,

Kind wishes,

Our Lady of the Rosary’s final appearance at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 during the Miracle of the Sun culminated in her showing herself to the three young seers as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, with Christ wrapped in one arm and the brown wool Scapular of Mt. Carmel in her other hand. The “way of spirituality” of the Carmelites is here; the virgin-mother Woman and her Seed of Genesis 3:15 conquering Satan and his minions with the Rosary “weapon” and the Scapular “shield.” Our Lady said, “God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” She asked for the “daily Rosary for peace” and the five consecutive first Saturdays Masses of Reparation for affronts to her Immaculate Heart. This request was for Confession on or within the octave of the First Saturday; Mass and Communion; and fifteen minutes keeping her company after Mass, usually by praying the Rosary. Follow the Way, find the Truth, and receive Life. God has directed us to the observatory and we must “hear and obey” to entrain our souls to the eternal vision.
You mention Sisters, but use the name Zachary (I’m probably being a little dense) so I’m not sure whether your interest in is a male or female Order as Discalced Carmelites communities exist for both men and women, both of which I’ve been acquainted with.

These Carmelite Orders do live in both prayer and work within their communities.
Every Christmas I receive a newsletter from our nearest Discalced Carmelites community, as there has been a link of friendship for many years. They grow vegetables along with a range of self-supporting activities. Prayer and practical reality goes hand in hand in the Religious Life.

The life has its blessings and its difficulties as of course you will realize.
A link to the life of most loved of Discalced Carmelites


God bless you in your discernment,

Kind wishes,

Why thank you dear sister. Because that I was referencing the spirituality of this order (contemplative prayer, The Rule of St. Albert, Consecration to Mary, The Liturgy of the Hours, etc) I did not differentiate between brothers and sister. I am already on the path of becoming OCDS and just wanted to know others opinion of us. Thank you for your help.

May most blessed and holy God be with you -

our fullerton society supports a man who discerned a secular institute according to the spirituality of the annonciades. since they dont have a men’s branch, the annonciades were quite happy to support him.

i just last night came across ‘spirituality of the poor school sisters’ on archive.org. not sure if that pertains to the same community or not.

the sisters would be more than happy to discuss their foundress with you. perhaps your carmelite leanings will lead to a contemplative branch for them?

our fullerton society supports a man who discerned a secular institute according to the spirituality of the annonciades. since they dont have a men’s branch, the annonciades were quite happy to support him.

i just last night came across ‘spirituality of the poor school sisters’ on archive.org. not sure if that pertains to the same community or not.

the sisters would be more than happy to discuss their foundress with you. perhaps your carmelite leanings will lead to a contemplative branch for them?

Greetings and blessings upon you! You have said many things that are very interesting. Could you please elaborate upon your post and most especially your vocation and order. Now I am interested less about OCDS and more about you personally. (I already know a lot about OCDS. My question was somewhat of a fishing expedition. I really am interested in Mother Teresa of Jesus though. I found a medal of her in an unusual place and now I feel my spirit pulled toward venerating her.)

I do so look forward to hearing more about your spirituality and any way we can walk down this path beside one another for a bit.

God grant you all graces -

Greetings and blessings upon you! You have said many things that are very interesting. Could you please elaborate upon your post and most especially your vocation and order. Now I am interested less about OCDS and more about you personally. (I already know a lot about OCDS. My question was somewhat of a fishing expedition. I really am interested in Mother Teresa of Jesus though. I found a medal of her in an unusual place and now I feel my spirit pulled toward venerating her.)

I do so look forward to hearing more about your spirituality and any way we can walk down this path beside one another for a bit.

God grant you all graces -

My online ministry: cloisters.tripod.com/

One of the services we offer: cloisters.tripod.com/fullertonsociety/

Founder of this: cloisters.tripod.com/cloisterites/

If I had been able, I would have joined the OCDS as well. But my age and health wouldn’t allow for it. Which, to me, is a great disappointment. Oddly enough, my birthday is the day after the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. And there were some Carmelite nuns that were put to death during the French Revolution on my birthday. So, keep me in your prayers.
If I had been able, I would have joined the OCDS as well. But my age and health wouldn’t allow for it. Which, to me, is a great disappointment. Oddly enough, my birthday is the day after the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. And there were some Carmelite nuns that were put to death during the French Revolution on my birthday. So, keep me in your prayers.
God bless you, dear sister. I am sorry to hear that your heart was disappointed but truly it must be the will of God. Justice means all things in their rightful place - you will find where you belong. I will say a chaplet to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for her special intercession in your vocational calling. You are ChristyBeth. I do not see your face but my spirit recognizes your own.

May The Holy Spirit pour out upon you -

Thank you. That means a lot to me.
It has been done. Though I must say that is only one lap around the rosary - even if it is to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To realize our true vocation takes much prayer and many hours of contemplation and discernment. I assume, because you desire such a worthy calling as OCDS, that you are fervent in prayer. This is wonderful and also a must in the Discalced Carmelite way. However, my only counsel is that you be sure you are asking the right questions, devoted for the right reasons, and always (always) allowing much time for contemplation to hear the voice of God. If you are doing these things then I am very happy for you. You are blessed!!

Glory to God in the highest -

I must admit that I’ve slipped quite a bit. I think it’s due partly to disappointment. I was so worked up, and even had one nun who seemed to think I could find a place there with them in Salt Lake City. But the Mother Superior said no. Like I said, it’s my age and my health. All my medical/mental stuff is taken care of by the VA, there is one in Salt Lake City, so I didn’t see that as a problem. But they didn’t want someone who might have issues that might prove to be a distraction. So, these days I struggle with daily prayer and still pray for discernment. I’m at the point where I am trying to accept the point that I may be single the rest of my life (I’m almost 52), but there is always still the thought that God might hae plans for that as well. I’m trying to be open to His guidance so I won’t miss out on His blessings. Only in His Grace and Love will true peace be found.
I must admit that I’ve slipped quite a bit. I think it’s due partly to disappointment. I was so worked up, and even had one nun who seemed to think I could find a place there with them in Salt Lake City. But the Mother Superior said no. Like I said, it’s my age and my health. All my medical/mental stuff is taken care of by the VA, there is one in Salt Lake City, so I didn’t see that as a problem. But they didn’t want someone who might have issues that might prove to be a distraction. So, these days I struggle with daily prayer and still pray for discernment. I’m at the point where I am trying to accept the point that I may be single the rest of my life (I’m almost 52), but there is always still the thought that God might hae plans for that as well. I’m trying to be open to His guidance so I won’t miss out on His blessings. Only in His Grace and Love will true peace be found.
Do not be troubled. I am sure the superiors knew best and so perhaps avoided some terrible mishap of your soul. Remember, we seek not our own will but that his may be done. So be happy, for you are Christ’s. If you allow the disappointment of your own self to derail your spiritual progress then what? Have you done that which is best? I wonder, if you would please humor me, who are you patron saints and what is your primary devotion? Also, what have you consecrated yourself to? Just for my own knowledge so that I mAy better understand your faith and soul. You see, it may be that you were simply not yet ready to join the order. This would be wonderful, yes? Because then you could refocus yourself entirely in God and grow a bit more in The Faith and try again in a few years. We cannot simply give up on our goals after only one defeat. Take courage, beautiful daughter of Christ, for your journey is not yet finished.

The love of God keep you -

Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I was wondering what your opinions are on The Discalced Carmelites and their way of spirituality. Also, The Poor School Sisters of Notre Dame founder Blessed Teresa of Jesus Gerhardinger has come to my attention but I can find so little information in her. Anyone have experience with her or her order? I thank you for your thoughts and insight.

With love and peace -

I am completely in love with the Discalced Carmelites and their spirituality. I have discerned a vocation to the Carmelites for a little while, as I think I may have a religious vocation, but I’m not sure if it’s right or not. I’ve contemplated contacting this order: lorettocarmel.org/ but I’m unsure of whether I should or not, considering I’m 1,000 miles away and have no way of visiting. Their completely cloistered life appeals to me, yet I am a bit afraid of what it may mean. I’ve heard of the Poor School Sisters, but I don’t have any real knowledge of them. If you’d like, I can do some research for you. 🙂
I am completely in love with the Discalced Carmelites and their spirituality. I have discerned a vocation to the Carmelites for a little while, as I think I may have a religious vocation, but I’m not sure if it’s right or not. I’ve contemplated contacting this order: lorettocarmel.org/ but I’m unsure of whether I should or not, considering I’m 1,000 miles away and have no way of visiting. Their completely cloistered life appeals to me, yet I am a bit afraid of what it may mean. I’ve heard of the Poor School Sisters, but I don’t have any real knowledge of them. If you’d like, I can do some research for you. 🙂
Oh how thoughtful of you, dear sister! And what a blessing to feel drawn to the cloistered life. I myself was already married when I was called home to the Catholic Church so I must serve my vocation within my state of life. And so I am on the path to becoming a member of the Third Order - OCDS, which is no less an honor or calling as those living a cloistered life. I want to speak so much more and can see we will be great friends. Let us speak privately. I am moving to Michigan in 3 days and so have to find my local DC community. If you are doing research, and desire to offer assistance, you could find who I should speak with in the Lansing area.

What a joy and God bless all those of Holy Orders -

Oh how thoughtful of you, dear sister! And what a blessing to feel drawn to the cloistered life. I myself was already married when I was called home to the Catholic Church so I must serve my vocation within my state of life. And so I am on the path to becoming a member of the Third Order - OCDS, which is no less an honor or calling as those living a cloistered life. I want to speak so much more and can see we will be great friends. Let us speak privately. I am moving to Michigan in 3 days and so have to find my local DC community. If you are doing research, and desire to offer assistance, you could find who I should speak with in the Lansing area.

What a joy and God bless all those of Holy Orders -

What part of Michigan? There are about 3 Carmels up there: Iron Mountain in the UP, Clinton Township, and Ada (Parnell).

Do not be troubled. I am sure the superiors knew best and so perhaps avoided some terrible mishap of your soul. Remember, we seek not our own will but that his may be done. So be happy, for you are Christ’s. If you allow the disappointment of your own self to derail your spiritual progress then what? Have you done that which is best? I wonder, if you would please humor me, who are you patron saints and what is your primary devotion? Also, what have you consecrated yourself to? Just for my own knowledge so that I mAy better understand your faith and soul. You see, it may be that you were simply not yet ready to join the order. This would be wonderful, yes? Because then you could refocus yourself entirely in God and grow a bit more in The Faith and try again in a few years. We cannot simply give up on our goals after only one defeat. Take courage, beautiful daughter of Christ, for your journey is not yet finished.

The love of God keep you -

I am a convert, so I have no patron saint. Well, I do take into consideration the Blessed Martyrs of Compiegne. These were Carmelite nuns who were put to death during the French Revolution. Why do I chose them? Their feast day is my birthday. And the day before that is the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. I think right now my problem is I lost my original zeal for the Church, and for God. I come on here on a regular basis, and I try to not miss Mass.

I’ve tried the devotion to Mary by Louis de Montfort. But that was years ago, I probably need to go through it again for a refresher, as well as starting to pray the rosary more. I have a rosary I keep in my purse for when I ride the bus, which is pretty much everyday. But, as usual, I kept getting distracted and dropped that. I still carry it, with the intention of starting up again, but I think I just need a good shove in the right direction.

Part of my problem is a disappointment in life in general. I want to go back to college and get a degree in some field where I can help people. But that’s been a struggle because of financing and chosing a field of study. Also, I have been diagnosed with mental illness. There are more than one thing I’ve been diagnosed with. But I won’t go into that unless you want me to. This is why no order I’ve been in contact with has wanted to seriously consider me. I’ve been wanting a spiritual director, but haven’t found anyone willing to do that yet. But the word is out there that I want one. And I better shut up now, I’ve probably said too much for this thread anyway. Send me a PM if you want to follow this discussion anymore.
Father Albert Haase on Relevent Radio recommended sdiworld.org to search for a spiritual director. I found a Catholic sister in my area that is listed. But beware, there are other advisors that list affiliation with other denominations.
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