I’m 37 years old and single with no children. I’m currently working at a casino and have been having increased misgivings about the morality of my employment as it relates to my faith. As the economy worsens, I see more and more desperation as people throw their life savings away in hopes of a cash windfall which rarely ever happens.
However, I’m also racked with a mountain of debt and if I were to quit my job I’d surely be facing bankruptcy. There simply isn’t many opportunities in my area for employement offering the salary I’m currently earning.
I’ve been discerning a call to the priesthood for quite sometime now. Given my realistic options, would it be better to quit this job and inevitably file bankruptcy to pursue a vocation as a priest or remain employed in a career field I have moral ambiquity about just so I can continue to make payments on debt?
I haven’t yet spoken to my priest about this, but first wanted to know what advice my Catholic brother and sisters may have. Thanks and may God Bless you.
However, I’m also racked with a mountain of debt and if I were to quit my job I’d surely be facing bankruptcy. There simply isn’t many opportunities in my area for employement offering the salary I’m currently earning.
I’ve been discerning a call to the priesthood for quite sometime now. Given my realistic options, would it be better to quit this job and inevitably file bankruptcy to pursue a vocation as a priest or remain employed in a career field I have moral ambiquity about just so I can continue to make payments on debt?
I haven’t yet spoken to my priest about this, but first wanted to know what advice my Catholic brother and sisters may have. Thanks and may God Bless you.