Discerning a purpose for senior years

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I was wondering if any of the good folks on this forum could suggest how a person might explore discerning a ‘mission’ or purpose for their senior years after retirement.

Single, unattached, blessed with good health, and ample time available, I would like to find a purpose, or mission.

Any suggestions / recommendations are appreciated. Thank you so much.
Are there any causes you feel passionate about? Children, animal rights, the homeless, human trafficking, the environment?
Non-profit organizations are always looking for volunteers or board members.
There’s a website called www.volunteermatch.org that you can browse to hook up with organizations that you like. I’m not sure if it’s countrywide or not.
For example, if you’re interested in children’s welfare, you could take in foster kids, or rock preemies in a hospital, or serve as a guardian ad litem in the judicial system, or work in a crisis pregnancy center.
There is always more work to be done than willing hands to do it.
God bless.
St. Vincent de Paul Society.
No better way to get involved…either as a case worker, a money counter, a person manning the phone lines. Whatever your gifts of level of participation, they have something you can do.

We need Faith Formation teachers at every level!!! From Pre-K to the grave.
Teach! It’s so rewarding. Build the Catholics of tomorrow!!! LOL
There are countless charities & good causes you could approach,
If your a bit of a handyman, and you don’t mind being around teenagers,
Then call into your local high school, they have voluntary positions for older people to assist in woodwork &. Metalwork classes , When I pull the Plug on full time work,I’d like to get involved in astronomy, they have weekend camps etc,
If you want to go down the religious road, you could call in on catholic high schools ,
They too have workshop classes ,good luck
Take a look at Habitat for Humanity if there’s one locally and you have some applicable skills.
I was wondering if any of the good folks on this forum could suggest how a person might explore discerning a ‘mission’ or purpose for their senior years after retirement.

Single, unattached, blessed with good health, and ample time available, I would like to find a purpose, or mission.

Any suggestions / recommendations are appreciated. Thank you so much.
Are you including vowed religious life in this question?

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