Discerning Diaconate

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Hi all, I am in my aspirancy year and we have been given an assignment where we are to shadow some deacons in various forms of their ministry of liturgy, word and charity. I have just loved this assignment even though it has been quite a bit of work.

One question I have for those of you who are ordained deacons (or anyone really). After I have shadowed many of the deacons, I have just felt this great inner peace in myself. I really can’t describe it any other way than that. Is this normal? Should I be praying over this more? Currently, when I come home from these events, I have been finding a quiet place and just listening to God in my heart and trying to discern what He is telling me.

I will be meeting with my spiritual director soon, so I will most certainly bring this up with him, but I was just curious if anyone else had this type of occurrence during their aspirancy or even formation years.

Thanks, and God Bless!
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, direction, strength, fortitude & wisdom in your discernment.
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