Hello. Thanks for reading. This is my question: I found out there is a history of depression in my girlfriend’s family. We are early in our relationship, but there is great potential there for marriage and she is right in every way for me. We are chaste and grounded people and in our late twenties. After I found out that not only her mother, but her mother’s mother suffers from depression, and take medication for it, I started to wonder on the possibility of our children inheriting this disease. My question is not related to my girlfriend as I think that with medication and love we could carry this cross together if she were to ever develop it in the course of her life. But is it charitable to our children if scientifically it can be proven that it is genetically passed on, and that there could be a great chance that it will be passed to our children. Is it somehow selfish if I were to exclude her simply based on her family genes and medical history? Or truly charitable if I were thinking about my children and the genes I will pass on to them? My genes are not perfect, of course, no one’s is, but this is a clear red flag that I do not have in my family, mental illness.