Discerning Visionaries

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Several months ago I joined The Green Scapular.org and receive emails from them on a regular basis. A lot of times there is a warning message from Anna Marie, a Visionary who “speaks” directly to Jesus and Mary. Tonight I received a message regaring an urgent warning for “our country”. She always includes the full communication from Jesus and Mary. Tonight she was given the warning that a devastating event will cost the lives of many within the next few days and we are to pray for God to forgive our countries sins and give us strength and grace to endure the coming tragedy.

My problem is, every time I get one of these warning messages, I see “red flags” as far as trying to believe in Anna Marie. Are Visionaries credible? I usually can discern most right and wrong situations, but the only discernment I have with this is a “gut” feeling that something isn’t right. Could someone give me some (name removed by moderator)ut?
Dear Texan,

Are visionaries credible? Maybe, maybe not. The Church does not require that we believe their messages. How does that affect each of us? We are taught in the works of Doctors of the Church that any message one receives is to be brought to the Church for guidance, especially in this case where it is specific for large numbers of people. These should then be attested to, and brought to the people by the hierarchy, not the visionary.

We see an example of this when a message of famine was brought to the apostles by a visionary. As heads of the Church, they discerned the source of the message, deemed it to be true, and ordered that help be sent to Jerusalem. The account is in Acts, but the verse is not handy at this moment.

I’m always suspicious of these messages of doom, for many have been circulated in the past and found to be untrue. I thought about the story of the rich man and Lazarus, where the rich man asked that his brethren be warned about damnation. The reply was that they have Moses and the prophets, and if they do not listen to them, they will not listen even if one rises from the dead.

There was a story about a holy man, I think Brother Lawrence, who was asked what he would do if he knew for certain he would die that day. He replied in words to this effect, “Nothing different than what I do every day.” He lived in communion with God. If we are doing the same, what do we need to fear? 🙂
Several months ago I joined The Green Scapular.org and receive emails from them on a regular basis. A lot of times there is a warning message from Anna Marie, a Visionary who “speaks” directly to Jesus and Mary. Tonight I received a message regaring an urgent warning for “our country”. She always includes the full communication from Jesus and Mary. Tonight she was given the warning that a devastating event will cost the lives of many within the next few days and we are to pray for God to forgive our countries sins and give us strength and grace to endure the coming tragedy.

My problem is, every time I get one of these warning messages, I see “red flags” as far as trying to believe in Anna Marie. Are Visionaries credible? I usually can discern most right and wrong situations, but the only discernment I have with this is a “gut” feeling that something isn’t right. Could someone give me some (name removed by moderator)ut?
Watch for obedience, where obedience is lacking then it’s not from God, if they don’t submit to the local Bishop, have a Spiritual director, then thread carefully !
Dear Friend

So, Monday or Tuesday is the day for this supposed tragedy to happen?

Take no notice of it. I will guarantee you that this is not the TRUTH. What can you do in a few days that you were not doing yesterday or indeed today?

My heart falls everytime I hear of these prophecies of doom, it totally drives a knife into the heart of Hope and Mercy that is Christ Jesus.

Trust in God’s Providence for you and for those you love and the country you love, did you read in the bible where it talks that if there is a hundred just men in that place God will spare that place and it goes from 100 down to 1 just man and God says even if there is just one just man, He will spare that place.

Who is the just man? The just man is any person who though a sinner, gives their heart to Christ Jesus and then strives in Christ Jesus to live in union with God and that just man lives in union with God because he lives in God’s love.

Do that and forget every warning of doom and tales of destruction for humanity, Jesus is not condemnation, He is life, if you live in Him, eternal life is yours. Pray and pray for others, keep your peace that is in Him and remove yourself from this emailing list.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Friend

So, Monday or Tuesday is the day for this supposed tragedy to happen?

Take no notice of it. I will guarantee you that this is not the TRUTH. What can you or anyone else do in a few days that you were not doing yesterday or indeed today?

My heart falls everytime I hear of these prophecies of doom, it totally drives a knife into the heart of Hope and Mercy that is Christ Jesus.

Trust in God’s Providence for you and for those you love and the country you love, did you read in the bible where it talks that if there is a hundred just men in that place God will spare that place and it goes from 100 down to 1 just man and God says even if there is just one just man, He will spare that place.

Who is the just man? The just man is any person who though a sinner, gives their heart to Christ Jesus and then strives in Christ Jesus to live in union with God and that just man lives in union with God because he lives in God’s love.

Do that and forget every warning of doom and tales of destruction for humanity, Jesus is not condemnation, He is life, if you live in Him, eternal life is yours. Pray and pray for others, keep your peace that is in Him and remove yourself from this emailing list.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thanks to all for your words of wisdom! I feel much better. I think, in my best interest, I will unsubscribe from this site. It is nothing but doom and gloom.God Bless.
For me the only way to discern visionaries is to look to the Church.

Only after the Church has approved them will I consider looking into them but as visionaries, appirations, and private messages really play no role in my spirituality I usually leave them all alone.

Some people wish to push apparitions, visionaries, and private messages. It was good advice above to look to the obedience issue.

Some even wish to push approved ones to the level of dogma (like Fatima) which is never acceptable.
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