It seems to me that when one is discerning his or her vocation, the emphasis is about seeking God’s will in prayer, silent time, Adoration, going on Come-and-See retreats (for young men discerning priesthood), that sort of thing; all these are absolutely true.
However from a pragmatic standpoint, should one also consider his/her sexuality when discerning their vocation? For instance, if someone knows that they have a high sex drive (highly attracted to the opposite sex) or would like to be sexually active/want to fulfill a sexual need, is this a good reason to go into marriage?
Also, do they address this issue of sexuality in discernment retreats? I know someone who may be interested to go in one of these.
Just curious.
However from a pragmatic standpoint, should one also consider his/her sexuality when discerning their vocation? For instance, if someone knows that they have a high sex drive (highly attracted to the opposite sex) or would like to be sexually active/want to fulfill a sexual need, is this a good reason to go into marriage?
Also, do they address this issue of sexuality in discernment retreats? I know someone who may be interested to go in one of these.
Just curious.