Before I get to my point, I should let you know some things about me.
So, to begin with I would like to say that I, for most of my life have considered myself as a girl that are supposed to get married and start a family someday. I really haven´t spent too much time reflecting on myself in a religious vocation. Recently, I have started to think about myself in a religious vocation. It´s worth mentioning that I could possibly find it easier to live in the spirit of Jesus in certain ways if I choose such a vocation - but with other thoughts in mind I think the opposite.
Spending enough time in prayer is a thing I struggle with - and it would be a lot easier to do so if I become a nun one day. Maybe it could be easier for me to grow in virtue? - I´m not sure, but these are aspects I´m reflecting on.
At the same time I´m thinking about the promise of obedience. I would always want to work towards a pro-life society and human rights for the unborn, and in this area such as other things I´m very much sure of wanting to work towards - I would not want to be made silent.
For those of you who slightly knows me, I know that I´m young (17 years old in a few months) and don´t have to put in such an effort in trying to discern my vocation yet. Either way, I would like to discern it and become more sure of what is really God´s will for me. I try to pray about it, but I struggle to understand at times. I have been interested in Franciscan spirituality and I will attend an retreat at a Franciscan monastery in almost about a month. I hope that I would have some time there to spend in prayer about discernment of my vocation.
I would appreciate if you would choose to share your thoughts on this topic. I´m totally open for your personal experiences of discerning your vocation and advice on how to discern mine. I´m glad that you either way, spent some time considering this - as I haven´t shared these thoughts with too many people.
Thanks in advance! May God bless you all!
Before I get to my point, I should let you know some things about me.
So, to begin with I would like to say that I, for most of my life have considered myself as a girl that are supposed to get married and start a family someday. I really haven´t spent too much time reflecting on myself in a religious vocation. Recently, I have started to think about myself in a religious vocation. It´s worth mentioning that I could possibly find it easier to live in the spirit of Jesus in certain ways if I choose such a vocation - but with other thoughts in mind I think the opposite.
Spending enough time in prayer is a thing I struggle with - and it would be a lot easier to do so if I become a nun one day. Maybe it could be easier for me to grow in virtue? - I´m not sure, but these are aspects I´m reflecting on.
At the same time I´m thinking about the promise of obedience. I would always want to work towards a pro-life society and human rights for the unborn, and in this area such as other things I´m very much sure of wanting to work towards - I would not want to be made silent.
For those of you who slightly knows me, I know that I´m young (17 years old in a few months) and don´t have to put in such an effort in trying to discern my vocation yet. Either way, I would like to discern it and become more sure of what is really God´s will for me. I try to pray about it, but I struggle to understand at times. I have been interested in Franciscan spirituality and I will attend an retreat at a Franciscan monastery in almost about a month. I hope that I would have some time there to spend in prayer about discernment of my vocation.
I would appreciate if you would choose to share your thoughts on this topic. I´m totally open for your personal experiences of discerning your vocation and advice on how to discern mine. I´m glad that you either way, spent some time considering this - as I haven´t shared these thoughts with too many people.
Thanks in advance! May God bless you all!
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