I’m in Queensland, Australia. I’m nearly nineteen years old, and I’ve been discerning the priesthood on and off for about four years. This is probably going to sound like a confused rant:
I often have people ask me if I’m currently in seminary or entering, and many other Catholics in my diocese (including priests) have this belief that I’m going to become a priest. Even my dying uncle (he was under the effects of medication) was calling me ‘Father Vincent’ when I visited him before he passed away. I’m almost certain that I’m being called to the priesthood, but I have a problem. The seminary that my diocese sends its seminarians to is in the archdiocese of Brisbane, and many conservative parishioners have a strong opposition to its seminary, and they tell me that I shouldn’t go there. I went to a retreat at the seminary, last year, and I just don’t know if that’s where I’m supposed to be. During Mass, there was no kneeling at the consecration, no kneeling in adoration (except for benediction), and it felt very foreign. Would my concern here be trivial? I don’t know, and it’s eating me inside. I don’t feel like I can talk to a priest about it, because the situation with my diocese (Toowoomba) is quite controversial, and it’s almost like a schism. If you look it up, you’ll understand the complexity.
I am also friends with the vocations director of another diocese, which has a more traditionally oriented seminary, and he has invited me to visit. However, would it be wrong for me to leave my diocese for another, because of such difficulties?
I really have no idea what to do. Does any one have any experience with this kind of situation? It’s really hampering my discernment. Prayer helps immensely, but I can’t find a definite answer.
I often have people ask me if I’m currently in seminary or entering, and many other Catholics in my diocese (including priests) have this belief that I’m going to become a priest. Even my dying uncle (he was under the effects of medication) was calling me ‘Father Vincent’ when I visited him before he passed away. I’m almost certain that I’m being called to the priesthood, but I have a problem. The seminary that my diocese sends its seminarians to is in the archdiocese of Brisbane, and many conservative parishioners have a strong opposition to its seminary, and they tell me that I shouldn’t go there. I went to a retreat at the seminary, last year, and I just don’t know if that’s where I’m supposed to be. During Mass, there was no kneeling at the consecration, no kneeling in adoration (except for benediction), and it felt very foreign. Would my concern here be trivial? I don’t know, and it’s eating me inside. I don’t feel like I can talk to a priest about it, because the situation with my diocese (Toowoomba) is quite controversial, and it’s almost like a schism. If you look it up, you’ll understand the complexity.
I am also friends with the vocations director of another diocese, which has a more traditionally oriented seminary, and he has invited me to visit. However, would it be wrong for me to leave my diocese for another, because of such difficulties?
I really have no idea what to do. Does any one have any experience with this kind of situation? It’s really hampering my discernment. Prayer helps immensely, but I can’t find a definite answer.