I’m honestly confused about what I am supposed to do with my life. In recent times and months I have been pondering whether I have a vocation to the priesthood, and have been praying about it, asking the Lord to please make it clear to me in a way that I will understand if He is calling me to be His priest, or not. There are multiple reasons why I think He might want me to, and I’d like to enumerate some here so you can see where I am coming from.
I’m honestly confused about what I am supposed to do with my life. In recent times and months I have been pondering whether I have a vocation to the priesthood, and have been praying about it, asking the Lord to please make it clear to me in a way that I will understand if He is calling me to be His priest, or not. There are multiple reasons why I think He might want me to, and I’d like to enumerate some here so you can see where I am coming from.
*]I am a convert to the Faith. (That wouldn’t be a reason, but I think it’s important)
*]I feel attracted to the priesthood in some mysterious way I can’t describe. Yes, I like cassocks, but it’s more than that.
*] I love the Liturgy, and am particularly attracted to “traditional Catholicism”.
*]Many people have been saying things like “You should be a priest!” or “When I first saw you, I thought you were a priest”.
Concerning number 4, I have often heard it said that God works through people and little signs, even things like this. These comments have been increasing recently, which is why I am posting here.
At the beginning of this post, I wrote that I had been asking Our Lord to please give me some sort of sign to help me along. The thing is, I find it very hard to go on something that I cannot be absolutely sure of. Obviously, an act of faith is involved, and I am worried I may simply be readings things into events or comments, which makes me wonder whether I would actually realise the sign the Lord might give me.
Something that’s on my mind in particular is this: I am not exactly a holy person, which I think a priest should be. That’s what makes me doubt that God would even consider calling me. But then, at Holy Mass yesterday, the priest said in his homily that God might actually see our strengths where we see our weaknesses. I remember that striking me and sending shivers down my spine, because it immediately made me think of this.
Sorry if this is all over the place and confusing to you… that’s just like I feel. A friend of mine is a seminarian, and he keeps telling me that I would make a good priest, and he struggles with the same issues I have in regards to personal holiness.
Honestly, I don’t know what to do. I keep praying and all, but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Neither do I want to do the wrong thing with my life, much less waste it away by being indecisive.
Does anyone have advice on what I might do? Any priests here who could help me, or seminarians with whom my situation resonates?I should be so glad, especially for any prayers you might offer. Thanks, and God bless.