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We have a saying in The Church “disciples like Mary”…as I see it Mary was of constant Faith in all circumstances and she pondered Scripture (contemplative) and she certainly loved Jesus. These are qualities that we need to develop and in imitation of her.

We are called however to follow in the footsteps of Jesus “take up your cross and come FOLLOW ME”…what sort of person (qualities) do you conceive of Jesus having.

Summarize your concepts of Mary and her discipleship of Jesus and share your thoughts on imitating Our Lady…but also on the following of Jesus…how do I follow him? What was Jesus all about in his own lifetime? When I have more time than now, I will share my own thoughts.

Regards to all and a Joyous Season of Pentecost

“Send forth Thy Spirit and Thou shalt be created and Though shalt renew the face of the earth”

Barb smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_28_121.gif
Hi Barbara,

Just a quick little note to let you know we are not ignoring you. It’s just that your thread has a whole lot of twists and turns and topics within it that one does not know where to begin, and I have the feeling it would be hard to follow. :confused: Maybe you could just begin again with the specifics you would like to see addressed?

Hi Barbara,

Just a quick little note to let you know we are not ignoring you. It’s just that your thread has a whole lot of twists and turns and topics within it that one does not know where to begin, and I have the feeling it would be hard to follow. :confused: Maybe you could just begin again with the specifics you would like to see addressed?

Hi there Song of Joy…great to cacha again in Spirituality…gee Joy, there is a hollow ring in this thread, huh…just you and me!

This does not surprise me because it is recommended to us t hat we be Disciples like Mary…and yet Jesus was a very outspoken, self assured and assertive young man indeed. Mary, as she is presented to us, is reserved, quiet, meditatative.

I would ask then that we hear the call of Jesus to follow him…to become unafraid to speak out, to be sure of what we are asserting and to assert it with confidence (assertively). Where does Mary, Our BLessed Lady, fit into this concept of Jesus.

As I see it Mary had two outstanding qualities that Jesus also had…her Faith was firm and unshaken by problems and misfortune… as with her Son. Mary pondered Scripture…we see this in the Magnificat. What beautiful words, what strong and self confident words, flow from Mary in the Magnificat…and Jesus also pondered Scripture and spoke his interpretation with the qualities of His mother…strong and self confident.

This is how I see Discipleship of Mary…strong unyielding Faith no matter the trial involved and a constant meditating, reflecting on the meaning of Scripture. Jesus shared these qualities.

I think the common view however of Our Lady…is to be still and quiet and say nothing, nothing, nothing in heroic self trampling. This was not Our Lady of The Scriptures at all!

How say you, Joysong and others out there, how say you?

Barb smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_10_4.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_5_1.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_4_115.gif
Fri. 27.5.05 10.46pm
I would ask then that we hear the call of Jesus to follow him…to become unafraid to speak out, to be sure of what we are asserting and to assert it with confidence (assertively). Where does Mary, Our BLessed Lady, fit into this concept of Jesus.

I think the common view however of Our Lady…is to be still and quiet and say nothing, nothing, nothing in heroic self trampling. This was not Our Lady of The Scriptures at all!
Dear Barbara Therese,

Following Jesus, I try to listen to His word and incorporate it into my beliefs. I try to test my beliefs by what Jesus said and did. Often, but not enough I’m afraid, I ask Him what I should do and He tells me with reassurances in scripture and His, still small voice, that echos in my being, “Be at peace.”

When I view Our Lady’s way and ask her, “What should I do or say or think?” I always get a similar answer, “Do what He tells you.” She always draws me back to Jesus. The few words she spoke, in scripture, are all I need to know and love her. She was simple in words and powerful in deed.

How awesome is Our Lord in the work of His Handmaid!

Peace to you,
Dear Barbara Therese,

Following Jesus, I try to listen to His word and incorporate it into my beliefs. I try to test my beliefs by what Jesus said and did. Often, but not enough I’m afraid, I ask Him what I should do and He tells me with reassurances in scripture and His, still small voice, that echos in my being, “Be at peace.”

When I view Our Lady’s way and ask her, “What should I do or say or think?” I always get a similar answer, “Do what He tells you.” She always draws me back to Jesus. The few words she spoke, in scripture, are all I need to know and love her. She was simple in words and powerful in deed.

How awesome is Our Lord in the work of His Handmaid!

Peace to you,
Hi Elizabeth…thank you for your generosity and charity in coming in on this thread, Elizabeth, and sharing your own experiences…and beautiful too…

“In my Father’s House there are many mansions…”

I don’t think anyone can say they have arrived. Rather that we arrive to depart. The Lord indeed calls whom He wills and how He wills and where He will…and we all journey to that point and indeed yet from that point that continues to unfold in our journey here…

As St. Paul pointed out to us, where would the body be, if an eye for example desired to hear like an ear, to be an ear. No we all have our particular call…our particular way to go…and to some The Lord gives the call of the contemplative etc. etc.

I guess the important thing is that I in being let us say a chin, do not proclaim that all should be a chin!..and thank you for that!..

I think you will be able to hear what I am saying, I hope so.

And indeed…what splendour has The Father revealed in creation and especially in the creation of Mary the mother of Jesus…she was The Lord’s masterpiece of female humanity. Her Faith and desire to understand what her Faith proclaimed, God is Love, was outstanding and redemptive…that we could only one iota do likewise…huh?

Barb smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_4_115.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_5_1.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_10_4.gif
Fri. 27.5.05 11.45pm
“In my Father’s House there are many mansions…”

I don’t think anyone can say they have arrived. Rather that we arrive to depart. The Lord indeed calls whom He wills and how He wills and where He will…and we all journey to that point and indeed yet from that point that continues to unfold in our journey here…

As St. Paul pointed out to us, where would the body be, if an eye for example desired to hear like an ear, to be an ear. No we all have our particular call…our particular way to go…and to some The Lord gives the call of the contemplative etc. etc.

I guess the important thing is that I in being let us say a chin, do not proclaim that all should be a chin!..and thank you for that!..

I think you will be able to hear what I am saying, I hope so.

Dear Barb,

Yes, and, who am I, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?

Praised be God, in His Holy Catholic Church of saints and sinners, on the road to recovery!

Dear Barb,

Yes, and, who am I, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?

Praised be God, in His Holy Catholic Church of saints and sinners, on the road to recovery!

Hello there Elizabeth…I have Our Lady on a pedestal so very high! … I often say that Our Lady to me is the essence of womanhood and femininity, of motherhood and discipleship, of profound holiness…and that I feel ashamed in her presence…I am far more like her rather outspoken son!!!

I have never turned to Our Lady without getting a rather obvious re sponse…

I said to a nun (Carmelite) friend of mine once. I only turn to Our Lady when I am really desperate and I dont know why.
“Oh!” replied Sister “you do not bother her unneccessarily”

…which brought laughter to my heart! - how like a Carmelite to see it that way…to the essence and in a practical manner.

As for The Church and all of us on the road to recovery…no matter where we are we are that, for “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against you” I like Julien of Norwich’s words:

All is well
All is well
And all manner of things will be well

…which does not mean we do not throw ourselves into the struggle nor cease to labour ardently in the vineyard…pas de toute!

Send regards,
Barb - Bethany - South Australia
Tues. 6.6.05 St. Norbet pray for us.
Praise The Lord in His angels and in His saints!

Greetings to you Barbara Therese,

Thank you for writing and mentioning St. Norbert today on his feast. It is also the celebration and praise I give God, for having allowed my existence on earth to begin 40 some years ago.

"Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it." These are the words St. Norbert heard from The Lord. Let us embrace them with joy and continue in this effort.

Also you bring to my heart the joy in knowing a little of the Carmelite order. I learned the following today,“In Norbert’s community we have the first evidence of lay affiliation with a religious order. This came about when a count Theobald wanted to join Norbert. Norbert realized that Theobald was not called to holy orders but to marriage and worldly duties. But he did not entirely reject Theobald, giving him a rule and devotions as well as a scapular to wear to identify him as part of the community.” This seems very significant for me. After my husband passed, God rest his soul, I was trying to discern my vocation, in The Lord. After much turmoil He pointed me toward marriage and devotion to Him in becoming the best I can be, in the blessed vocation of marriage.

Blessings and good will to you,

Praise The Lord in His angels and in His saints!

Greetings to you Barbara Therese,

Thank you for writing and mentioning St. Norbert today on his
Also you bring to my heart the joy in knowing a little of the Carmelite order. I learned the following today,“In Norbert’s community we have the first evidence of lay affiliation with a religious order. This came about when a count Theobald wanted to join Norbert. Norbert realized that Theobald was not called to holy orders but to marriage and worldly duties. But he did not entirely reject Theobald, giving him a rule and devotions as well as a scapular to wear to identify him as part of the community.” This seems very significant for me. After my husband passed, God rest his soul, I was trying to discern my vocation, in The Lord. After much turmoil He pointed me toward marriage and devotion to Him in becoming the best I can be, in the blessed vocation of marriage.

Blessings and good will to you,

Well hi there Elizabeth…and very pleasd am I to meecha and I think for the first time. Thank your for the post.

I have had associations with Carmel here in Glen Osmond in Adelaide since I was 16yrs old…and over 30 years of water now flows under the bridge.
Elizabeth, you may still be called to Carmel…do investigate this in the Secular Order of Carmel…DCS OR OCDS.
If you would like further info on the seculars, please either PM me or email. I do prefer email however.
The vows made by a celibate religious of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, known as the evangelical counsels, can be validly made in any state of life. Poverty, Chastity and Obedience are affairs of the heart, of our spirit … to physically vow them is to take, so The Church proclaims, the shortest and quickest road to Poverty, Chastity and Obedience of spirit.

You can be married and still enter the Order of Carmel as a Secular.

Send prayer, Elizabeth
and my regards -
Bethany in South Australia Wed 8.6.05 2.07pm
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