A friend pointed this discrepency out to me this weekend, and I wonder what your take is on it. In Matthew 21, Jesus sends his disciples into town to get an *** and a colt, which they return with for him to ride into Jerusalem. In Mark 11, he sends them only for a colt, and he rides that animal alone into Jerusalem. Personally, I think the simplest explanation is that we are hearing different eyewitness accounts, and it really means nothing at all. How do others feel about it?
p.s. This was brought up as an argument against Biblical infallibility. I responded If you take the Bible as a literalist, its hard to reconcile, but if you just read the Bible literally - i.e. allowing for interpretation, writing style, etc - its not a big deal.
p.s. This was brought up as an argument against Biblical infallibility. I responded If you take the Bible as a literalist, its hard to reconcile, but if you just read the Bible literally - i.e. allowing for interpretation, writing style, etc - its not a big deal.