Based on the replies in a few other threads, and not wanting to sidetrack those threads, I am interested in knowing people’s attitudes towards a spouse discussing intimate (i.e., sexual) issues with their sibling with or without knowledge by the spouse. Is this OK? Wrong? Why or why not? And, does it matter whether the sibling is the same sex or opposite sex?
I’ve said it before here and I will say it again, talking about intimate details of your marriage, not just your sex life, but little habits spouse has, irritations, spats, quarrels, as well as other intimate, things, especially those situations where your spouse has opened up and shared with you something important–talking about this stuff with your mother, sister, co-worker, girl-friend, whoever is infidelity, it is a betrayal of trust, and can destroy a marriage.
It takes a lot for some people especially men to trust enough to open up and talk about things close to their hearts, and when you go babbling about what he shared with you, it is a deep betrayal and very damaging to the relationship.
If you find a need to talk about your sexual activities to outsiders (other than a doctor or therapist in the case of a genuine medical need or therapeutic need) you have a problem and need counselling. That is wrong, it is bad etiquette, it is being unfaithful, it is exposing your private live to third parties, which is a violation of the 6th & 9th commandments, it is nobody’s business, and you need help if you can’t find anything better to talk about.
If your friends are the kind who batten on other people’s marital situations and troubles, tell them to watch soap operas, you are through providing their entertainment.
Newlyweds, if you would like a guarantee on destroying your marriage, discuss your sex life with your in-laws or your own relatives.