because frankly, you cannot discuss this without laying out all the facts about it.
I watched this a few months ago. It is, IMO, very much the modern view of Catholic–the emphasis is on mercy. And of course, thank God for mercy. But there is as always mercy done right, and mercy done wrong. This is mercy done wrong. This is all feelings and deciding that doing wrong to make somebody ‘happy on earth’ is better than doing right and supposedly being hurtful.
At the risk of being Sour Sally, I have to say that ‘earthly comfort’ cannot take the place of heavenly.
The priest had the power of giving another person earthly joy by telling a lie. Thing is, when the person dies, that person is going to know he lied. So he was given a few moments of ‘temporal happiness’ thinking that he had NOT killed a person in a hit and run (a person who turned out to related to the priest, who had witnessed the hit and run and who was devastated by it) but now the man is going to spend eternity knowing that that happiness was false. That not only did they actually in fact kill a person, but the person’s own son, a priest, lied about it. IMO the priest slapped God in the face, “Hey, God, I know you commanded us not to lie, but I just HAD to lie to make this person happy, so guess what? I’m going to ignore YOU because I know best. I am going to make this person, as the recipient of my lie, complicit in it. And of course, since I am the main victim (alive) of this man, I’m showing, by my lying and flouting of Your law, how much ‘better’ I am in doing wrong than You, God, demonstrate in asking us to do what is right”.
I was really kind of disgusted with it. Again, it’s the slickly packaged, 'New Church" which is supposedly taking the place of the old ‘rigid’ one. We lie, we cheat, and we steal. . .but it’s because
we care. The end justifies the means, and to hades with a God who demands ‘rules’; we are ‘better than that’.
(Well, you asked for my opinion, and since I can visit CA on Lent Sundays,. . .you just lucked out.