In undergrad, there were online classes that I took that I felt had meaningless information and weren’t important, but still went to completing my degree (this was probably due to my damaging pride). I was lazy and spent my time learning other things instead of learning for these classes. I would just fly through the quizzes and online exams with my classmates, by finding answers online, or having the book open and looking through the book. When it came to actual in-class exams, I never thought about cheating because I knew it would be wrong. For the longest time I thought what I was doing was a sin of laziness, but did not realize the gravity of my sin (breaking the 7th and 8th commandment). I feel the need to go to confession and repair my soul. Further, I know I need to talk to my spiritual director about this, as I am in the application process for seminary and feel unworthy because of my dishonest past.