Disordered anger and false teachings

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hey everybody , recently i have been reaching out to non-denominational Christians to try and spread Catholicism and her fullness of truth. I spent the last 6 months studying the culture,beliefs and teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation group , my friend Jake a charismatic christian follows them.

Jake was taught that satan is in the courts of heaven based on the teachings of Robert Henderson , he also talks about the 3rd and imaginary 4th heaven. Amongst many things that were never taught by the church fathers . No amount of scripture that i use can ever convince him otherwise.
  1. am i dividing the church of Christ? i even called his church to complain. The pastor they brought in taught in his own church that Jesus performed miracles as a man in right relationship with God and not as God( phillippians 2). So much do i sound like the accuser.
2)would the desert fathers’ practise of not correcting others but good for me? I found myself always wanting to correct him with scripture which does not work. He would just gloss over them. I got even more angry because he gives no honor to our saints yet holds his earthly pastors in higher esteem.

3)What practical steps can i take to maintain christian unity without compromise to truth. Jake’s church seem to be taking steps in christian unity with lil focus on doctrine and dogma resulting in a marketplace.
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Saint Paul advised to avoid stupid and senseless controversies 2 Timothy 2, 23-26. Also we have the Gospel of Matthew 18, 15-17 for what steps to take when your brother sins, which may finally result in letting that brother “be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.”
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Excelling in Christian virtue and joy, and explaining the source of that virtue and joy if and when you are asked, will be a better route. Based on what you are saying, there is no reasonable chance of getting your friend to listen to arguments, so just focus your energy on something else. And pray for him - and that you will be able to help him somehow.
Just quote scripture…this way there can be no arguments against what you are saying, otherwise, they oppose God, not you. If they will not hear you, pray for them (either way, pray for them 🙂) and don’t engage in useless arguments any longer, you only waste your own time and knowledge that could be applied somewhere else. But hopefully they will listen to scripture! If they are stubborn, say a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for them. And Jesus says He won’t refuse a request a soul makes by the merits of His passion in the 3:00 o’clock hour.

As for Satan being in “heavenly courts:”

(Ezekiel 28:17) “ Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendor.
So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.”

(Luke 10:18) “ Lucifer (“star of the morning”) became Satan (“accuser”) when he fell to the earth. Jesus, speaking of this event, said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.”

(Job 1:7) “The LORD said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”

As for 3rd/4th Heaven…certainly we will experience Heaven differently according to our earthly lives and our obeying God here on earth.

St. Faustina’s Diary: “ In the evening, when I was walking in the garden saying my rosary I opened the gate a little and began to pray for a while, and I and came to asked them interiorly, “You are very happy and you not? Then I heard the words, “We are happy in the measure that we have fulfilled God‟s will” – and then silence as before. I became introspective and reflected for a long time on how I am fulfilling God‟s will and how I am profiting from the time that God has given me.” (Diary, 515)
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