If anyone can help point me in the right direction, I would appreciate your ideas. I was a cradle Catholic, who was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, received First Communion (after an unfortunate first Confession), was not confirmed, and drifted away from the Church with my parents post-Vatican II. After flirting with Buddhism, functional atheism, and spending 16 years in liturgical protestant church, I was introduced to the Eastern Orthodox Church in the context of my spouse’s death. Eventually, I was received into the Orthodox Church by Chrismation, but never settled into that parish. Living in a metropolitan area with a wealth of churches, I wandered between EOC parishes and jurisdictions, occasionally visiting RC and Byzantine Catholic parishes. This Lent I realized I needed to take a “vow of stability” and returned to EOC where I was chrismated. Very soon I began to wonder if stability might mean a return to my Catholic roots. My question is where and how do I return? I am more attuned to the BCs than RCs. It seems that one is not supposed to “cross the line” between BC and RC without a good reason. I’m not sure where I belong or how to sort this out. I still have my childhood dread of confession, so I’d like to get this right the first time. Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.