Disposed to receive grace?

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I heard Fr. John Corapi say the degree of grace we receive depends on how disposed we are. How do I dispose myself to get more grace at Mass and confession. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do to get the most grace I can. I sure need it!
Being perfectly disposed to receive grace would be akin to being to being perfectly holy. So any unconfessed sin or any attachment to sin, would for sure hinder your disposition to receive grace. I think also the degree to which you are abandoned to God would affect your disposition, etc. my 2 cents, anyway.
Father Corapi’s life is a great witness to the transforming action of The Holy Spirit! It is The Holy Spirit that imparts the grace. Along with frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, some find making a life in the spirit seminar very fruitful.The important points are trying to cultivate a life of virtue where Jesus is the center and focus of our being and everything else is peripheral. As we open ourselves to ongoing relationship with the Lord we become a blessing to others. It’s through the power of the Holy Spirit that we become channels of grace and we, like Fr. Corapi, can do more then just inform others about our faith we become a living reality of it!

Praise God that by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit the mystery of Christ is present here and now for you!
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