Disposing of Sacramentals?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monicathree
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Hey all,

A while back we had a Byzantine priest tell us how to properly dispose-for lack of a better word- sacramentals ie palms from Palm Sunday. He said told us what the Bishop does and he told us that for our palms we could, if I remember correctly, crush them and put them in a plant. I really would like to know how to go about this in the right way, cause I have waaay to many starting to build up and I’ve given away what I could and I would like to know. Peace be with you and thanks 👍
I’ve heard of burying sacramentals, but never heard of crushing them and putting them in a plant. You would need a rugged mortar and pestle. Another approach would be to burn them and put the ashes in the plant.
At our parish, you can return the palms, which are then burned to make ashes for Ash Wednesday.
You could either bury them or burn them.

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
What do you do with something made of plastic, which won’t burn or decompose in the ground?
What do you do with something made of plastic, which won’t burn or decompose in the ground?
Simple, don’t use plastic objects in sacramentals 😃
What do you do with something made of plastic, which won’t burn or decompose in the ground?
The proper method to dispose of Sacramentals is to either burn them or bury them. The Sacrmental does not have to decompose.

Another method is to give Sacramental to someone who can use it.

Oh, gosh, don’t burn plastic in the house. It can give off toxic fumes! :bigyikes: You can pulverize hard plastic things with a hammer. The idea is to have no recognizable pieces in the shards.
Somehow, mashing it wish a hammer just doesn’t seem to be terribly respectful, but I could be wrong. I can’t really think of a situation where someone would actually have need to “dispose” of a plastic sacramental. I agree that it should probably just be given to someone who can use it.
Oh, I quite agree with you about the hammer, but Father assured me that was the proper way. I would think you would only use it if the sacramental was broken beyond repair somehow. We have a basket at church where we can leave things for others if we don’t want them ourselves. I much prefer that.
We have a basket at church where we can leave things for others if we don’t want them ourselves. I much prefer that.
That’s a wonderful idea.
I was referring to little religious items you get unsollicited in the mail from groups requesting donations. Things such as plastic key rings with images of Jesus or Mary. I don’t know if they’re blessed or not. If it’s not blessed, is it still a sacramental? Blessed or not, I still don’t feel right throwing a picture of Our Lord in the garbage.
Aurelia, items which arrive unsolicited in the mail should not be blessed and so it is ok to dispose of them as rubbish or as someone suggested just leave them in the vestibule of the church; someone is bound to want them. 🙂
I was referring to little religious items you get unsollicited in the mail from groups requesting donations. Things such as plastic key rings with images of Jesus or Mary. I don’t know if they’re blessed or not. If it’s not blessed, is it still a sacramental? Blessed or not, I still don’t feel right throwing a picture of Our Lord in the garbage.
If it is not blessed it is not a Sacramental. :hmmm: Sacramental (Blessed Articles) cannot be sold.
How they get around that is they ask for a donation.
Hi Monicathree and everyone;

What we do with our palms when they get to numerous is bury them at the graves of our relatives. That gets us to visit the gaves and say a prayer for their souls as well. :rolleyes:

I read somewhere long ago of burying sacramentals on the grounds of abortion clinics or Masonic temple places and praying. 🙂 In what I read, the place usually goes out of business or moves. I don’t know how true it is.
i have always been taught that to remove the blessing from any sacrimental or sacred thing that you take any action you can to make it no longer recognizable as what it was. IE shatter, scratch, dissolve (in the case of the precious body), burn, crush, rend, etc.
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