I’ve heard that if a host goes unused, the proper procedure is to dissolve the host in water for a certain length of time. I’ve also heard that Jesus is only present in your body for a certain length of time as well. Does this practice have a theological basis? For example, does the substance of Jesus disappear when the accident is no longer chemically bread? If the dissolution even breaks the chemical bonds of the “bread”, what reason would we have to believe that the substance is altered by a chemical change to the accidents? is it merely divine revelation? Would this mean we could burn the host without any trouble, since the process of combustion is a chemical change? Finally, is the length of time before Jesus is fully disolved be an arbitrary length, or is it based on modern scientific principles for determining how long it takes for an object to become fully dissolved?
My thanks to anyone who can answer these questions.
My thanks to anyone who can answer these questions.