Disturbing Night At Youth Mass! Please Read

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I attended a “youth mass” tonight because I didn’t attend my normal church in the morning. I am 24 years old and converted 3 years ago and am in love with the catholic church. However I was greatly upset tonight. I walked into this 6 pm mass. And there was very loud music playing by in the front of the church. When I attempted to pray I couldn’t even hear myself think and this started things badly. The sanctuary was louder and people were talking more than I have ever seen at a church it was very distracting. Most of the people there were teenagers. I noticed they were high fiving each other and even sitting on top of the pews while talking. I couldn’t believe the lack of reverence in the presence of the eucharist. The mass was supposed to start at 6 pm however we practiced all these songs until 6:15. I noticed that they didn’t follow the music in the missal but had there own, and the profession of faith was completely different. I went to church tonight w/ my wife and sister both non-catholics and I decided to leave after the second reading. I was so upset at the lack of reverence I felt was in the church. The one thing that I love about the church since I have joined is the sameness of it. No matter where I go I get the same thing. As soon as we exited the church my sister and wife asked me what was wrong and I was overwhelmed by tears, and believe me I don’t cry very often. I can’t tell you exactly what overcame of me. But I was saddened by the whole scene tonight. On the way home I tried to explain to my sister how I believe that christ is truely present in the eucharist which is located in the tabernacle and that is why I was so disturbbed to see what I saw. I don’t know if I should have left mass or not but I did. Can anyone relate to this? What do you think?

Yes, I do know how you feel.

I don’t know if they were technically doing anything wrong. The profession of faith was probably the Apostle’s Creed, which is allowed at children’s Masses, and so they’ve probably stretched that to “youth Mass”

I think you’re right to be turned off by the irreverent attitude, and by the fact that parishes feel they need to pander to kids in order to compete with the big, shiney protestant Megachurches.

However, you should have tried to stick it out, because we do have an obligation to attend Mass on Sunday. If you could get to a later Mass elsewhere, then you’re OK.

I am very spoiled by my parish - we have a pretty traditional mass, rather like on EWTN, with a couple of the prayers in Latin, kneeling at the altar rail, etc. I find it extremely irksome to even attend a typical suburban parish where no blatant liturgical abuses take place. But, I force myself to be tolerant when I have to, because it IS the Mass and Jesus IS present in the Eucharist.
Wow that sucks. Sorry to hear about that. That would make me mad too. However, it is important to remember that when we attend Mass we are not there for our entertainment, or even our benefit. Imagine it like a play. Who is the audience and who are the performers? At Mass God is the audience and we are the “actors” so to speak. He wants to see us glorify him.

I respect that you have so much reverence for the Eucharist. Maybe you can mention the seriousness of it to the priest and call to his attention that the actions of those teenagers do not reflect that.
Yes you are probably right. However at that point I don’t believe I would have even taken communion because I was not properly prepared. Like I said the music was so loud I couldn’t even hear myself think.
Sounds like a horrible experience. Before mass it should be quiet time for prayer and very reverent participation during mass. I think some people want to attract youth to the church like the protestants do with their rock concerts for their youth. They do pull in a lot of youth that way. That kind of activity should be done in the parish hall before or after mass. There is time and place for everything and church is not a place for a rock concert. I not saying that mass should have dull music but sounds like they went overboard.
Who is the audience and who are the performers? At Mass God is the audience and we are the “actors” so to speak. He wants to see us glorify him.
Actually, Mass is a re-presentation of Calvary in an unbloody manner. It is about God and what He does for us.

It’s not about us and what we think we do for Him.

God has no need of our prayers…even the desire to pray is itself a gift from God.

Wow - I am also a convert and I don’t know if I would have appreciated the Mass, but, no offense, but it was a youth mass and you may not have been the demographic they were reaching for (just as I presonally wouldn’t appreciate a mass in total Latin so I wouldn’t go to a totally Latin mass, if possible). I wouldn’t blame the participants, who appear to have missed a class or two on what the mass truly represents. Sometimes you don’t know you are doing something wrong unless someone tells you. As I see it they are just youth trying to do the right thing servicing Jesus but with a misguided direction. I personally see nothing wrong with youth ‘jazzing’ up some music in mass, as long as it is still done within the guidelines of mass.

Perhaps this unfortunate event is hidden calling for you. You were led there for a reason. You are pretty young and I’m sure the youth would respond well to you. Perhaps you may want to volunteer some time there and assist them in further developing their spiritual side. The cycle will continue unless some brave soul reaches out to them.

Have a Merry Christmas! 😃
Gregory, why have you posted this more than once in different areas?

Please do not do this, it belittles your argument. I thought my post had been deleted so posted again.

I agree with ‘Proudarmywife’, with her comments.

If your attendance is in response to the fact that you couldn’t make any other Mass at on Sunday, then I can understand what you experienced.

I just hate to hear that the youth present think that ALL Masses could be like this and when they go with their parents, they will be let down because the Mass would be ‘boring’, ‘dull’, and “I don’t get anything out of it” type of comments.

I believe that you should meet with other parents of these youth and find out that their opinons are of this type of ‘youth Mass’. IF the parents are in line with what you believe, then take your issue with the Pastor.

Do some research on the propers on how one should conduct themselves before Mass. Make suggestions such as if the ‘band’ could play near the Church in a gym or hall, but NOT in the church building itself. If the church as a basement, maybe there but not loud enough to be heard upstairs.

If the Pastor doesn’t seems to care, then take it to the Bishop, but try to take concise notes in the discussion with the Pastor, so if the Pastor sees nothing wrong, then you may have a case with the Bishop.

For me, as an Eastern Catholic, it would be a sacrilege to even pull of something like what you experienced :eek: !

Go with God!
At least these kids were in Church instead of out on the streets partying.
I attended a “youth mass” tonight because I didn’t attend my normal church in the morning. I am 24 years old and converted 3 years ago and am in love with the catholic church. However I was greatly upset tonight. I walked into this 6 pm mass. And there was very loud music playing by in the front of the church. When I attempted to pray I couldn’t even hear myself think and this started things badly. The sanctuary was louder and people were talking more than I have ever seen at a church it was very distracting. Most of the people there were teenagers. I noticed they were high fiving each other and even sitting on top of the pews while talking. I couldn’t believe the lack of reverence in the presence of the eucharist. The mass was supposed to start at 6 pm however we practiced all these songs until 6:15. I noticed that they didn’t follow the music in the missal but had there own, and the profession of faith was completely different. I went to church tonight w/ my wife and sister both non-catholics and I decided to leave after the second reading. I was so upset at the lack of reverence I felt was in the church. The one thing that I love about the church since I have joined is the sameness of it. No matter where I go I get the same thing. As soon as we exited the church my sister and wife asked me what was wrong and I was overwhelmed by tears, and believe me I don’t cry very often. I can’t tell you exactly what overcame of me. But I was saddened by the whole scene tonight. On the way home I tried to explain to my sister how I believe that christ is truely present in the eucharist which is located in the tabernacle and that is why I was so disturbbed to see what I saw. I don’t know if I should have left mass or not but I did. Can anyone relate to this? What do you think?

I am sorry you had such an awful experience at a youth Mass. A parish near me has the Life Teen Mass and I have attended it a few times. I must say it was a joyous and special experience for me. Maybe being a “cradle” Catholic and having attended my share of somber Masses often without music gives me a different point of view.

There is no excuse though for the rude behavior of the teens. An adult should have been in charge of this and I would complain to the pastor or youth minister. This type of behavior in church should never be tolerated (kids sitting on top of pews, being loud, etc.).

As far as the Mass and music go, though, it is directed toward the youth and an attempt to get them involved. Personally, I found it to be very enlightening. I felt the Lord present in the enthusiasm of the youth and it made me feel young again and happy to participate.

I am sure this experience has taught you to be sure to check first to see if the Mass you are going to attend is a “youth” Mass.
Do some research on the propers on how one should conduct themselves before Mass. Make suggestions such as if the ‘band’ could play near the Church in a gym or hall, but NOT in the church building itself. If the church as a basement, maybe there but not loud enough to be heard upstairs.
I belong to a “guitar” (acustic) choir or contemporary ensamble. We always practice before mass in the choir loft area. I have asked our director if we could do this somewhere else instead of in the Church. I notice the early arrivers do like that time before Mass to reflect. She feels that it helps some to hear the music before Mass so that they can learn it and be prepared. I have mixed feelings about this. We do need to time before Mass to set up because we are responsible for our own set up and sound checks. I must say, though, we have never gotten a complaint.

Also, at special Masses like Christmas we do a whole bunch of music before Mass starts. This is very much permissable. I don’t like it because most of the people at Mass are the once a year attendees and there is so much talking going on that it seems like a waste of time to me for us to attempt to sing some prayerful Christmas hymns when the congregation is louder then us.
On the way home I tried to explain to my sister how I believe that christ is truely present in the eucharist which is located in the tabernacle and that is why I was so disturbbed to see what I saw. I don’t know if I should have left mass or not but I did. Can anyone relate to this? What do you think?
It is really too bad that you had such a bad time at mass. First of all you should have clued in on the word “YOUTH”. Young people are loud. This is the music they like and this is the music that attracts them. Second, I’m really supprised by the responses here. The you were just following the bible. ANYONE PLEASE TELL ME where in the bible does it say that we have to be dead silent to be in church. Now granted there are churches that are set aside for such “HOLIER THAN THOU” worship, however, David writes in PSALM 150:
1 *Hallelujah!
Praise God in His sanctuary.
Praise Him in His mighty heavens. *
*2 Praise Him for His powerful acts;
praise Him for His abundant greatness. *
*3 Praise Him with trumpet blast;
praise Him with harp and lyre. *
*4 Praise Him with tambourine and dance;
praise Him with flute and strings. *
*5 Praise Him with resounding cymbals;
praise Him with clashing cymbals. *
6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord.

People complain because our kids/youth are leaving the church, but they complain when the youth are attracted to a more active church.

If you want to complain about the noise, cross reference:

2Sa 6:5, 1Ch 13:8, 1Ch 15:16, 1Ch 15:19, 1Ch 15:28, 1Ch 16:5, 1Ch 16:42, 1Ch 25:1, 1Ch 25:6 - 2Ch 5:12, 2Ch 5:13, 2Ch 29:25, Ezr 3:10, Ne 12:27, Ps 150:5 (or do a word search on the word “cymbal”) **
**The catechism offers some guidelines on this and Rome has put out guidelines also, but there are those that think the “Brat Mass” is exempt.

Reasoning is that it is better for the teenies to go to hell in church then out on the street. After all hasn’t the gross music been anointed with religious words :-)**
I live in an area that has a significant mexican population and we have a devout representation of latinos at our Spanish Mass. Talk about a different cultural experience at mass!! wow!! :eek: Nothing irreverent or sacraligious - but the mass is more ethnic and “folk” flavored. But some people may not like it because it is pretty loud and spicy. I went to Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass last week and it was a real eye opener.
As long as a youth mass is reverent and orthodox I don’t see how it is any different than a spanish mass.
I see we are discussing this on two threads, which is very confusing to me. I would like to suggest as others have that if you have legitimate criticism of how liturgy is conducted in your parish you volunteer to assist, if you have a legitimate beef about the music, then volunteer for music ministry, and if you have a legitimate beef about how the youth are being catechised in your parish, you may be called to youth ministry and catechesis. If the kids do not learn from adults willing to teach, they will learn only from each other, or from adults who don’t know what to teach.
If the music is praising God, then perhaps there is nothing wrong with that aspect. I personally don’t see how you can worship God with an anrgy voice (as would be common with “Christian” thrash metal or rap or something), but I don’t know.

That being said, if the music interferes with your worshiping God, then it’s a definite no-no. You said that the kids were all talking to each other and chit-chatting, sitting on the pews and everything. That I have a problem with. Chances are they’re not talking about God, for starters. And for them to trample the Church like that makes matters worse. And to top it off, you couldn’t even go to the sanctuary and pray. In effect, there was no sanctuary. Not if it’s even louder in there.

The question is, why were the kids there, to worship God or to chit-chat? I’d assume the latter. You could say “well at least they’re going to church” but really, it’s not doing them any good. It’s just luring them into a false sense of security. You could say, “we’d get more followers if we told everyone that we aren’t so strict”, but at what expense? Most likely at the expense of the truth.
1 Maria:
Actually, Mass is a re-presentation of Calvary in an unbloody manner. It is about God and what He does for us.

It’s not about us and what we think we do for Him.

God has no need of our prayers…even the desire to pray is itself a gift from God.

I don’t necessarily agree with that.
I also have experienced teen mass such as this description. In the bible it does say to praise God with loud noise like a previous post stated but I doubt the teens chatting in the pews before mass were actually praising God. I was encouraged to put my teen through a weekend called TEC (teens encounter Christ). I was so sorry that I did that. When I went to the Saturday night mass and the “hoot” as they call it, I was so disappointed. It was a summer evening and the females had a lot of skin showing. One young man was enjoying a hamburger he brought with him right before mass was to begin.
These teens are not catechized and I’m not sure what to do because I am not the one to do the job. I tried teaching religion class to adolecence and it was so depressing to me I had to quit. They were not “spiritual” and did not want to be spiritual. I saw them fully engulfed in the culture of the world. I decided it was best for my own spirituality to give it up. I always left the class with a feeling of doom and gloom, knowing I could not bring them around to realize the Glory of our faith.
We need super young adults to teach these teens about our faith. Lets all say a prayer that more will want to teach the faith and the teens will want to hear it.
Wow. I am still considered a youth at 19, and that would have appalled me as well. I’ve only been to one Youth Mass, and that was when I was 15, but I didn’t like it. It was the same prayers and everything, but the songs were our youth group praise and worship songs–complete with hand gestures–and that was a bit much for me. Youth Mass is a good thought, but it definitely isn’t for me.

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