Divine "Coincidence"

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I would like to say, for the record, that I don’t believe in “coincidence”.

I started this thread becasue I really need to share some things, and I am seeing God’s pattern…I could not have planned this. I’m wondering how many people have come across these patterns themselves?

Background: OK…I come from a small family, Mom, Dad, my brother, and myself. Mom was/is Catholic, Dad was Lutheran and we were raised in the Catholic faith.

When I was 7, my parents had been married for 13 years. They seperated and were divorced after their 14th Anniversary. I was 8. Reason: Dad was a chronic alcoholic, and it eventually killed him. He was a wonderful human being and demonstrated that until the day he died. But he had a disease and it didn’t just kill him…it destroyed his family and countless relationships.

Etc…I grew up, struggled in faith among other things and finally found a professional niche, allowing me to purchase my first home…a townhome. I am single, female, and have been praying for good Catholic friends.

Lo and behold! On the other side of my wall are 2 wonderful single, Catholic young women! We have become friends…and our meetings together always seem to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am only a few blocks from my church, and there is a Rosary garden there, filled with the stations of the cross and the scene from Fatima. I often go there when I walk the dog and I spend time praying quietly. It has already gotten me through a few stressful times.

So this evening I stayed close to home on our walk and when I returned, my next door neighbor was sitting outside, still recovering from a very recent kidney attack. (As an aside, I woke up the other night and something told me to pray. I did…and learned in the morning that at about that time they were calling the ambulance for her.)

We spent some time talking tonight as I inquired as to how she was doing. I learned that:
  1. Tomorrow is she and her husband’s 14th anniversary.
  2. He is a chronic alcoholic.
  3. They have been married for 13 years (and their daughter is 8–just turned)
  4. She is ready to leave him because of the disease but stays with him because of their child.
I feel like I am watching history and although the kid drives me nuts, from the beginning she has reminded me of myself.

Why, oh why, am I not surprised? And what does God really want me to do/learn here?

I almost cried tonight as I spoke with my neighbor…her pain was tangible and I can nearly predict to the year what will happen to them. Yet I can’t stop what is already happening. I told her I would pray for her and her family. I also told her that if she needs anything my door is open.

Can all of you pray also? Pray that what happens to them, and especially their daughter, doesn’t happen as it did to my family?

And please share with me any other patterns you’ve seen in your life as to where God brought you—the “spiritual conincidences.”
I see the resemblance in the pattern, too.

But just because your parents divorced and your father died of the disease does not necessarily mean that your neighbor will have the same outcome. You may be there as some form of example, or for the power of your prayer, or for some other reason known only to God where you have some influence that helps change their path.

Or not.

Who knows, it is up to God. Some alcoholics recover, and some marriages survive.
Pattern resembling my life or not, this family needs a miracle…and I can’t bring one about on my own. Prayer is powerful, but just one person praying feels like “the sound of one hand clapping.” Prayer is even more effective if there are others in unity over the same issue.

I guess what I’m really asking is for people to pray with me for them. I am one person but WE are a larger community…and this is a big problem…believe me, I know from experience. (And so do other families)

Along with my prayers for this family I will include the larger issue of the countless families/people facing the exact same problems. I guarantee there are people reading this post who know exactly of what I am speaking.

You know who you are and God Bless you as you fight this battle.
When I come across situations that resemble my own experiences (my parents divorced when I was six) it reminds me that the divorce was not my fault. Of course, why would I ever think that way at the age of 31? Well, it happens more often than not, and I’m beginning to think that it never really leaves. So, I said a prayer for your friend’s family.
I am praying for you friend … and YOU, my dear. Your pain is still so raw, I can feel it in your words. God’s ways are mysterious, and he uses us all in ways that are beyond our comprehension. A quiet voice is telling me that this is about you and your healing as well (not to take away from the suffering of your friend, whom I have lifted up to the Lord). Submit to His Will, and listen. And pray. He is with us all, always. Just think about what a blessing it is for your friend to have YOU, who really understands, at her side through all this!

Hugs and prayers to you and your friend,
Just a thought: Perhaps you were put there to be support to the 8 year old child, with whom who you have so much in common, to help the child through whatever happens.

I will pray for all of you.
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