Divine Inspiration

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I was recently discussing faith with a guy my age (17 year old) who is very much into new age ideas… He believes we’re all our own god, there is no such thing as right and wrong, etc… I worked hard, spoke firmly and concisely, and lovingly! There were some wonderful ideas shared actually (the one great thing resulting from his skewed thoughts- he’s very open minded). But one thing struck me… He believes we’re all, direct quote: ‘one being experiencing life in different consciousnesses’, and I really think he wanted to feel like we’re all connected- there’s a reason we have to care for other people… So I was praying after our talk, asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, and then I read my bible. Didn’t I open it up to a beautiful verse by St. Paul on the Body of Christ! And how we all form a part of the Body of Christ… So of course I brought it up with my friend the next day, and he seemed to really appreciate the Truth.

It’s been happening to me more and more “Ask and you shall receive”…

Anyone else experienced direct inspiration??
Very Good! All truths run paralell. Christ is the “ONE” being. It is by denying ourself that Christ comes alive in us. The “different conciousnesses” we all have might be what separates us from the “ONE” being, or CHRIST. St. Paul also said, ‘Now it is not I, but Christ that dwells in me’. This makes perfect sense. It is also interesting to note that we all have the same spiritual goal: Unity. Love and hate both strive for unity. Love strives for this by reaching out to God and all souls in selflessness. Hate strives for this by trying to destroy any opposing forces other than our own selfish will, thus achieving unity through a kind of default. Anyway, I liked your post. Very thought provoking.
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