Divine Office Question

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I am trying to get better at praying the Divine Office. I have found it to be a very rewarding form of prayer in my limited practice of it (maybe once or twice week I get morning or evening prayer in). For now I just have the Shorter Christian Prayer book. So, this being the first week in ordinary time, I opened to Wednesday of Week I evening prayer last night. But, on a suspicion I checked universalis.com. The psalms didn’t match up. I looked at week II evening prayer in my book, and the reading matched the one on universalis.com, but the psalms still didn’t.
 What am I doing wrong?

That’s odd. Universalis traditionally uses a different translation for the psalms, but I figure you would be able to figure that out, and wouldn’t have it match for week 2. So, here’s what I’m reading:

(Universalis.com) Wednesday, Week 1, Evening Prayer, First paragraph: (Psalm 26/27)
The Lord is my light and my help: whom should I fear?
The Lord protects my life: what could terrify me?

(Christian Prayer), Wednesday, Week 1, Evening Prayer, First paragraph:
The Lord is my light and my help;
whom shall I fear?
THe Lord is the stroghold of my life;
before whom shall I shrink?

Go back and recheck. Let me know what you have.
I’m not sure what’s up with your breviary of the Breviary, as it were, but I just checked on universalis.com and it does match up with where I’m at in Volume III of *Liturgia Horarum:

Tempus per Annum, Hebdomada I, Feria VI, ad Vesperas * - opening with Psalmus 40, "Beatus qui intellegit de egeno…"

It is easy to get mixed up, tho - what Psalm are you opening with for Friday Vespers of Ordinary Time, Week 2?
Thanks for your reply. It turns out I am an idiot, or at least sleep deprived (I have a new born). I checked again, and this time everything matched up. I must have been looking at the wrong day or hour. Thanks again.
Shouldn’t this be week 3? I haven’t prayed the Liturgy of the Hours for a few weeks but I thought that it matched the Advent season so that Christmas was the first Sunday of the Hours.
Shouldn’t this be week 3? I haven’t prayed the Liturgy of the Hours for a few weeks but I thought that it matched the Advent season so that Christmas was the first Sunday of the Hours.
Week I started for Ordinary Time after the Baptism of the Lord.
Week I started for Ordinary Time after the Baptism of the Lord.
Correct-all the days noted as "After Epiphnay were omited this year. Today is Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time.
Shouldn’t this be week 3? I haven’t prayed the Liturgy of the Hours for a few weeks but I thought that it matched the Advent season so that Christmas was the first Sunday of the Hours.
The liturgy of the hours isn’t exactly linear in how it proceeds through each week. It only cycles through the weeks DURING THE SAME SEASON.

What I mean by that: Because we are in the FIRST week of ordinary time, the breviary restarts on week one. We then cycle through the 4 weeks like normal. Then, no matter what week we’re in when we hit Lent, during the first week of lent, you do week one of the liturgy again. Similary, when you hit advent, you immediately skip to week one for the first week of advent.

The liturgy of the hours isn’t exactly linear in how it proceeds through each week. It only cycles through the weeks DURING THE SAME SEASON.

Similary, when you hit advent, you immediately skip to week one for the first week of advent.
Yes. And the First Week of Advent (Psalter I) is necessarily immediately preceded by the Thirty-fourth Week of Ordinary Time (Psalter II).

The liturgy of the hours isn’t exactly linear in how it proceeds through each week. It only cycles through the weeks DURING THE SAME SEASON.

What I mean by that: Because we are in the FIRST week of ordinary time, the breviary restarts on week one. We then cycle through the 4 weeks like normal. Then, no matter what week we’re in when we hit Lent, during the first week of lent, you do week one
Because Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, we do Week IV (regardless of where were Tuesday) on Ash Wednesday, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday following, with propers for the appropriate days. Then on the First Sunday of Lent, we begin Week I.
My one volume breviary was gathering dust on my bookshelf until I bought ‘The Divine Office for Dodos’ - A Step-by step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours by Medeline Pecora Nugent.
This book really helped me! 🙂

I got mine from Amazon.

The Universalis site is not Catholic and the www.brievary site is for the Pre Vatican II Office.

I used to go to this website to pray the Office of Readings
liturgyhours.org/ but they started to charge. If you don’t mind paying the money (it becomes a lot in Australian dollars!) I would recommend this site.
The liturgy of the hours isn’t exactly linear in how it proceeds through each week. It only cycles through the weeks DURING THE SAME SEASON.

What I mean by that: Because we are in the FIRST week of ordinary time, the breviary restarts on week one. We then cycle through the 4 weeks like normal. Then, no matter what week we’re in when we hit Lent, during the first week of lent, you do week one of the liturgy again. Similary, when you hit advent, you immediately skip to week one for the first week of advent.

I did not know that.
I did not know that.
I have been praying the office (the four volume set) for 5 years and the only way I keep it straight is the St Joseph Guide that comes out every year.
I keep most of it straight (I haven’t tried my hand at Lent yet since I started last Easter, but I’m hoping I’ll do ok), but there’s still one thing that confuses me… I use the four volume set and, for memorials and (I think) feast days, in midday/midmorning/midafternoon prayer there is only one antiphon given in the proper while there are, as always, three psalms for the weekday. I know we’re supposed to use the weekday stuff for the things that are not in the proper, but how do we do this with only one antiphon for three psalms?

Do we say the same antiphon from the proper three times? Do we say the one proper antiphon for one psalm and then two of the weekday antiphons for the other two psalms? Do we say the antiphon from the proper once and go through the three psalms as if they were one? :confused:

Help, please!
Do we say the same antiphon from the proper three times? Do we say the one proper antiphon for one psalm and then two of the weekday antiphons for the other two psalms? Do we say the antiphon from the proper once and go through the three psalms as if they were one? :confused:

Help, please!
I don’t really do Daytime Prayer as a matter of habit, but the issue does come up with Night Prayer I for Sunday and Wednesday during the Easter season.

What I do is simply recite the antiphon Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia before the first psalm, then pause for reflection, then say the second psalm, then pause for reflection, then the third psalm and then recite Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia again. If the antiphon is proper outside of the Easter season, I’d do the same.
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