Listening to a stat on the radio the other day say Catholics divorce at the same rate as the secular world, at what point do you say these six months of marriage classes aren’t any better than not having them at all. Do you think the church needs to scrap the classes and come up with something different?
I question your premise. Do couples really have six months of marriage classes? I recall a minium six month wait, but not six months worth of classes.
Sad to say I was married once before (~1989), and later divorced / annulled. My X and I met with the parish priest ONCE, and attended an Engagement Encounter weekend. On that weekend we were probably not as honest as we should have been. We did not properly prepare (and were too young).
When I married again 10 years later, we met with our Deacon about 4 times or so, took a tests to see how well we were prepared (in agreement on major issues), and attended Pre-Cana (if I recall, about 4 hours worth). Either the process had improved in 10 years, or it more thorough since I had a previous marriage.
Pre-Cana or Engagement Encounter are wonderful tools to HELP prepare for marriage, but couples must do their homework and discuss things. The fact is many of the couples attending these are simply going through the motions to appease the church. Others are blinded to the warning signs by their infatuation (I certainly was for my first marriage).
Are regarding the comment someone made about premarital sex… I am certain that if I hadn’t premarital sex with my X then I wouldn’t have been blinded to the many warning signs.
As someone who has gone through the pain of divorce, and learned from his mistakes, I can tell you that these classes ARE important, and couples should prepare more, not less.