Divorce, annulment, and communion

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I am in the process of divorce. I would like to begin the process of annulment as well. Can I do this? Must I wait until the divorce is “final” before I can apply for an annulment from the Catholic Church?

Also, I believe I can still receive communion during this time (when I need it so desperately). However, a friend approached me after mass and said that she thought I ought not take the body of Christ. Who is correct?

I think you might “Ask an Apologist” this question.

Hello Volleyballmom;

My husband and I just got married in the Church this last spring after his annullment went thru. It took a long time, almost a year. I don’t know what your situation is, but my understanding is that you can take communion unless you have remarried. My husband had to send in with all the rest of the paperwork (there was quite a bit) a copy of his civil divorce before we could get married. I would suggest that you ask the priest at your church regarding applying for annullment and also communion. I’d also like to say don’t let the annullment process scare you off. Yes, it’s lengthly, time consuming, and lots of questions and paperwork, but it is very worth it. The Church protects marriage because God authored marriage. Anyhow, hope this helps, and good luck.
Scrappy 😃
I have been divorced for almost three years. I never stopped going to Communion during the divorce. I frequented Confession and was never told I shouldn’t approach Our Lord in the Eucharist. Once final, I confessed getting a divorce, even though my wife was the plaintiff. I have been recieving Our Lord since. remarrying without an anullment would require you to stop going to Communion. As far as anullment, I spent five weeks, roughly one hour a day, answering the questions on the application. I strongly reccomend working with a Consultant. My Pastor hired a nun who was experienced at working with people going through the process. She helped me answer the questions and kept me on track. The divorce must be final in order to recieve an anullment. Hope this helps. I feel what you are going through, volleyballmom. Pray a lot and frequent the sacraments. God be with you and God Bless.
I just came into the Church at the Easter Vigil and I am divorced and have been receiving Communion. Remarriage would prevent you from receiving Communion not divorce.
You cannot formally start the Annulment process until the divorce is final. You can however speak with your pastor and do some preliminary work and gathering of information and documents.As long as you are not dating or involved with another person you can and should continue to attend Mass and receive Comunion.
One quick note of encouragement:

When a marriage fails, there are often problems that were present at the begining of the marriage. When the mailman drops this large package or forms at your door step and you start into all these embarrassing and personal questions, do not be intimidated or discouraged. For all the difficulty involved, an annulment process is also very therapeutic. You may find it healing as you examine your past critically and with the eyes of the Church.

Still, since you are not divorced yet (no one here knows your situation) let me say that divorce is an easy out. There are times when recourse to civil divorce is understandable, but it is never easy.

May God be with you during this most difficult of times.
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