Dizzy after praying

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I don’t get it…everytime I pray the Rosary or pray in general and hold the crucifix in the palm of my hand, I get dizzy or lightheaded or something! It’s weird! Sometimes I’ll start to fall asleep with it in my hand and what will wake me up is that strange feeling! It’s weird! Has this ever happened to anyone else?:confused:
are you on your knees when praying??? blood flow…
LOL!!!:rotfl: No, I’m not…maybe that’s why! Lol!!! I’m usually trying to fall asleep in bed. I’m in bed.
Actually I experienced this one time when praying for 2 hours straight. I felt almost intoxicated. I concluded that it was a grace or a sign of God’s approval. Maybe God is giving you this as a spiritual consolation.

However, it could also be the way your head is positioned. You could have also mild case of benign positioning vertigo.
I usually will have the case of the yawns.
Even during the middle of the day when I pray.
I do get 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep a day.

As for your dizziness…could you be in the very early stages of conpemplative prayer?
I woldn’t know, I never got to that point?
I guess my most immediate question is, does this occur when you recieve communion? What about use of Holy Water?

I know when I settle down to pray and be with God, I just totally zonk out asleep half the time. Also, as mentioned before, if the “dizziness” is more of a warm, peaceful feel, then its probably just a sign of God’s grace at work.

Don’t wanna be the nutjob here, but just thought I should mentioned that Fr. Gabriel Amorth in his book, “An Exorcist tells his Story,” mentions that dizziness in praying can be a sign of more sinister things going on. A doubtful situation here, but if the dizziness is strong enough, and consistent during prayerful situations, I’d go consult with a priest.

I once had a time when I would become very dizzy when I would go up to receive communion. Frequent confession and eucharistic adoration fixed the problem.

are you on your knees when praying??? blood flow…
Oh man, this used to happen to me every time I knelt in church when I was younger. It was really weird. I remember one time it was so bad that I almost passed out, I couldn’t see anything (everything turned kinda white), and my mom looked over and just said that I looked incredibly pale and suggested that I go outside for air. Luckily, that stopped.

Try praying early morning, when your most alert. If that doesn’t work get a checkup by your doctor before talking to a priest.
Try praying in a sitting postion not kneeling or in bed.
Also try praying along with somebody else or with a cd rosary, divine mercy etc It helps my alertness to have a cd praying with me. I tend to doze praying in silence. That’s really sad I am a product of the mtv generation and I have to have something going in the background or else its zzzzzzzzzzz. The saints prayed in total silence to hear God. But I am a product of my generation and a prayer cd is the best I can do. I think God understands our own personal failings here. Just try praying in a way that works for you. The important thing is to pray.
this hasn’t happened to me before…though i sometimes grow sleepy while praying the rosary:o :o :o
I have never had the expeirnce of dizzyness after the rosary but when I arrive for adoration I tremble. I know other people that I have talked to tremble as well. I was told that maybe it was graces been given to me. Most the time I can feel those graces when I leave the chapel
Don’t wanna be the nutjob here, but just thought I should mentioned that Fr. Gabriel Amorth in his book, “An Exorcist tells his Story,” mentions that dizziness in praying can be a sign of more sinister things going on.Josh
I actually experienced this once. I told the person praying over me that I was getting dizzy. It was getting worse so I told him I felt like I could pass out. This time he verbally binded the spirit causing the dizziness to stop in the name of Jesus. My first reaction was “can a spirit cause dizziness during prayer?” As soon as my question was mentally asked the dizziness stopped. We continued praying and all went well.

I agree with Josh. It could be a blessing, a curse or poor balance.

Keep up the good work.

God :blessyou:
Well, it’s weird. One time I was meditating on Christ Himself and all and I was laying down on my bed, with my eyes shut, holding the Rosary, just the crucifix in the palm of my hand, relaxed fingers, just meditating and all. I was sleepy and such…about 7 or so min. later, I felt a “zing” in my fingers (same hand holding the crucifix) and I suddenly felt my hand close around the crucifix then my fingers went back up to their resting place and I suddenly felt dizzy and started to feel weird! See, it must be me meditating hard enough for my body to do crazy things like that!😉 I quickly opened my eyes and still felt dizzy and it even looked like the room was spinning! I was almost hallucinating:eek: but I slowly got up and saw the Daily Mass on EWTN on my TV that I left on and I returned to my “normal” state.

Crazy, eh?
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