… let’s give it another try.
- DNA is a language. True or False?
As Bradski wrote, it is a means of passing on information. In that way, it is like a language, but in other ways it is not. DNA does not communicate ideas from one person to another. It transmits information from one bit of matter to another. Or you might say it propagates order from one bit of matter to another.
- Languages cannot emerge from blind, unintelligent, undirected processes. True or False?
Not sure I agree with this one. It depends on Question 1, what is language? Picking up where I left off, DNA propagates order. Is this a sign of intelligence? Not really. There are other (simpler) natural systems that do that.
Take, for example, quartz, a mineral with a crystal structure that has a twist that may be either “right-handed” or “left-handed.” When a quartz crystal forms from molten quartz, which has no “handedness” whatsoever, the growing crystal serves as a template. If the crystal is right-handed, it causes the disordered liquid to organize and crystallize in the right-handed structure. If the crystal is left-handed, the liquid crystallizes the other way, in the left-handed structure. The crystal also transmits other essential information like the orientation of the crystal.
Is the quartz crystal a language? Most of us would say it is not a language. Does it transmit information? Yes, it transmits handedness and orientation from an organized bit of matter (atoms in the crystal) to disorganized matter (identical atoms in the liquid). Does it point to an intelligent designer? The evidence is inconclusive.
DNA is fundamentally the same. It operates on matter via the same kind of natural forces, predominately electrostatic forces. It acts as a template. It causes disorganized matter to become organized. The only difference is that it DNA transmits more information.
- That which does not emerge from a natural, undirected process is transcendent to material nature. True or False?
Getting back to that word “emerge,” we don’t know exactly how DNA emerged, but it’s not out of the question that it emerged by natural processes. Compared to a left-handed quartz crystal, DNA has far greater complexity, and more steps were involved in its emergence.
This point is difficult for some scientists to accept, but I think it’s entirely plausible that a primitive replication system, only a little more complex than a crystal, began the long process that resulted in life as it exists today.
I think it’s pretty awesome. As Bradski suggested, there is a lot more in nature that is totally awesome. I think such an awesome nature points to an awesome Creator.