Do all baptised children go to heaven?

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I watch the news a lot, and it’s often pretty dismal. I often hear things on the news about small children dying in car accidents. My question is, if a child under the age of reason (7?) dies, but is a baptised Catholic, do they automatically go to heaven?

Thanks a lot!
Actually the OP is requesting information on whether or not BAPTISED children under the age of reason go to heaven.

Yes they do. Their baptism has removed Original Sin, and they are not yet spiritually culpable for their indiscretions. Remember a mortal sin requires full knowledge- which children under the age of reason do not have.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
I watch the news a lot, and it’s often pretty dismal. I often hear things on the news about small children dying in car accidents. My question is, if a child under the age of reason (7?) dies, but is a baptised Catholic, do they automatically go to heaven?

Thanks a lot!
A child who is Baptized is in a perfect state of Grace until they sin personally, by their own free choice. This would only be possible after the “age of reason.”
My question is, if a child under the age of reason (7?) dies, but is a baptised Catholic,
What hasn’t been addressed here is the fact that “the age of reason” can differ from one child to the next. It may be possible, say, for a four-year old to be of “the age of reason” and to commit personal sin. Another child may be 6 or 7 years old before he/she attains the “age of reason.”
This is true.

Though the Roman Catholic Church has decided that the age of reason- for all intents and purposes, is the 6-7 year old range. It is in the first grade when children recieve their First Confesssion, and First Communion usually follows shortly therafter.
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