Do Anglicans Believe In?

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I was wondering if the anglicans believe in the real presense of christ in the eucharist, like catholics do?

Because they call it Holy Communion and the eucharist,
If not what do they believe, and what are some other differences in their beliefs.
I was wondering if the anglicans believe in the real presense of christ in the eucharist, like catholics do?

Because they call it Holy Communion and the eucharist,
If not what do they believe, and what are some other differences in their beliefs.
As an ex-Anglican, I’d say that belief in the real presence is compatible with Anglicanism. But would follow that up with, just about anything is compatible with Anglicanism. They pride themselves on their wide spectrum of beliefs. Thus “high-church” Anglicans might believe in the substantial presence of Christ, but “low-church” Anglicans would not. They would view it in the typical Protestant way (mere symbol).
It’s complicated, but the short answer is that some Anglicans believe in the Real Presence exactly as Catholics and Orthodox do, and probably some don’t believe in it at all (although this view is much harder to sustain in the face of normal Anglican practice and teaching). The 39 Articles and the English Prayer Book support a belief in a spiritual presence that falls short of what Catholics believe but is not just a presence in the believer’s heart. Most Anglicans hover somewhere between this view and a more robustly Catholic view. Ask the average Anglican what they believe, and they will say “Christ is present and I don’t claim to be able to explain how.” That can cover a range of views, but the “It’s just a symbol” view you find among Baptists, say, is rarely if ever to be found among Anglicans.

In Christ,

Many Anglicans I know take their cue from Queen Elizabeth I. She said,

'Twas God the Word that spake it,
He took the bread and brake it.
And what His words did make it,
That I believe, and take it.

That view kept her alive to come to the throne, but it admits interpretations from real presence to real absence to anything in between, and supports them all.


anything they want. from gay bishops and gay unions to the real presence. also, that king henry 8th was justified in separating the church of england from rome.

it reminds me of mormons a bit. mormons acknowledge that joe smith had his faults: he was arrested for selling scams; he had 30 wives and married some that had husbands; he nearly started a war with a missouri militia… etc. but they still think of him as a prophet.

in a similar manner, king henry the 8th killed two of his wives and closed down all of the monasteries in england to get their wealth. he also killed many other innocent people who didn’t approve of what he did. they admitt he had character flaws but still think he did the right thing when he broke from the catholic church. it doesn’t make any sense to me. the same can be said for luther or calvin.

movements in the catholic church are generally started by saints: order of preachers, franciscans, benedictans, opus dei, …etc.
I attend the Episcopal Church, and I do indeed believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. However… it’s kind of funny - even tho’ I myself believe that He is truly present … the amazing thing is that my Catholic brothers and sisters do NOT believe He is present!

I know, I know …you’re saying “What! Of course we do!”
…Well, I’m talking about an Episcopal service. The Catholic church teaches that only a properly ordained priest that conducts the service using just the right words can “confect” the bread to make it Christ’s body. Since my priest isn’t ordained by a Catholic bishop —then --according to the Catholic church, Christ isn’t really present!

My Catholic brothers and sisters say, “Why don’t the Protestants believe in the true presence at the Eucharist? Can’t they read the plain meaning of scripture?”

And yet… according to Catholic teaching - I am told that - no - afterall, Christ isn’t really present in the Eucharist–at my Episcopal service!


But anyway…just for the record, I want you to know that I don’t take any offense. Really, I don’t.

You can go ahead and tell me that He is not really there, but it doesn’t change this fact: He really is there!

I know that He is. The Scriptures tell me so.
I know that He is. The Scriptures tell me so.
spoken like a true protestant. ultimately, it’s not what was handed down to you that is important, but what you think. you are only bound to your interpretation of the scriptures. if you think something is true, then it is. just what satan wants you to think.

by the way, the church recognizes the orthodox churches as having a valid eucharist among others. it isn’t simply about “tag” but also intent of the laying of hands.
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