Do any of the canonical Eastern Orthodox churches differ from one another in theology?

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Staff member
I say “canonical” so as to exclude small, schismatic churches calling themselves “Orthodox” but not recognized as such by the major sees and patriarchates (Constantinople, Moscow, Antioch, et al).

For instance, do Russian Orthodox believe anything that Greek (Hellenic) Orthodox do not, or vice versa? Smaller churches such as Serbian, Bulgarian, Romanian, et al?
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The Orthodox are the same Church and share the same theology. Differences, let’s say, between Constantinople and Moscow for example, would be the goodies served at the Church festivals. In all seriousness the only differences would be cultural small t traditions. Say, like the difference between Polish Catholics and Irish Catholics.

Now this is only my understanding.

The Orthodox are the same Church and share the same theology.
I thought that there was difference in the theology of the calendar with some Orthodox saying it is an essential issue, whereas others will say that it is not urgently important.
I know that there is a calendar difference. Some use the Julian most the revised Julian. I have heard that the Orthodox Church in Finland uses the Gregorian? I never thought about a theological disagreement about the use of the calendar. It would be interesting to learn more about that.

I know that there is a calendar difference. Some use the Julian most the revised Julian. I have heard that the Orthodox Church in Finland uses the Gregorian? I never thought about a theological disagreement about the use of the calendar. It would be interesting to learn more about that.


I know that there is a calendar difference. Some use the Julian most the revised Julian. I have heard that the Orthodox Church in Finland uses the Gregorian? I never thought about a theological disagreement about the use of the calendar. It would be interesting to learn more about that.
As theological differences go, which calendar to use is pretty tame. It doesn’t touch on matters of faith or morals.

Some Western Christians observe “Old Christmas” (6 January), while not otherwise varying from the commonly observed Christian calendar. It is more of a folk observance, also called “Belsnickle” or “Little Christmas”.
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The OCA occasionally attend is on the revised Julian but on January 6 the have a Christmas Divine Liturgy in Church Slavonic.

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