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If you look at them with a sense of humor or imagination, are you reminded of any famous philosophers?
I’ll venture some possible examples.
There is a vBulletin limit of 8 images per post (including smilies) in this forum.
:hammering: Kant looking for a way from the phenomenal realm to the noumenal realm
:tiphat: Hegel explaining that finite spirit is intrinsically pre-connected to Absolute Spirit
Schleiermacher agreeing with Kant and Hegel at the same time
:curtsey: Descartes experiencing “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am)
:angel1: Thomas Aquinas winning a medieval scholastic debate
:crutches: opponents of Thomas Aquinas losing a medieval scholastic debate
:dancing: Kierkegaard in a better-than-average mood on a good day
:christmastree1: J. G. Frazer writing The Golden Bough
If you look at them with a sense of humor or imagination, are you reminded of any famous philosophers?
I’ll venture some possible examples.
There is a vBulletin limit of 8 images per post (including smilies) in this forum.
:hammering: Kant looking for a way from the phenomenal realm to the noumenal realm
:tiphat: Hegel explaining that finite spirit is intrinsically pre-connected to Absolute Spirit

:curtsey: Descartes experiencing “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am)
:angel1: Thomas Aquinas winning a medieval scholastic debate
:crutches: opponents of Thomas Aquinas losing a medieval scholastic debate
:dancing: Kierkegaard in a better-than-average mood on a good day
:christmastree1: J. G. Frazer writing The Golden Bough