Do Any Of The Forum Smilies (or Emoticons) Remind You Of Any Famous Philosophers (Or Philosophical Theologians)?

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The forum smilies are on this page and this page.
If you look at them with a sense of humor or imagination, are you reminded of any famous philosophers?
I’ll venture some possible examples.
There is a vBulletin limit of 8 images per post (including smilies) in this forum.

:hammering: Kant looking for a way from the phenomenal realm to the noumenal realm

:tiphat: Hegel explaining that finite spirit is intrinsically pre-connected to Absolute Spirit

🎉 Schleiermacher agreeing with Kant and Hegel at the same time

:curtsey: Descartes experiencing “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am)

:angel1: Thomas Aquinas winning a medieval scholastic debate

:crutches: opponents of Thomas Aquinas losing a medieval scholastic debate

:dancing: Kierkegaard in a better-than-average mood on a good day

:christmastree1: J. G. Frazer writing The Golden Bough
:banghead: Lonergan explaining to undergraduates his Insight: A study of Human Understanding.
:confused: | Socrates, demonstrating his method
:sad_yes: | Schoedinger, being simultaneously positive and negative about the fate of his cat.

:nope: Jean-Paul Sartre on whether life on whether life has any meaning
🤷 Pyrrho of Elis answering any question
:hmmm: Rene Descartes proving he exists
:highprayer: St. Augustine, just because
:nun1: St. Teresa of Avila
:jrbirdman: Nietzsche at the end of his life
I see that more brilliant observations have appeared on this page, lol.
I’ll venture a few more wild examples, lol.

:tsktsk: Schopenhauer replying when someone told him to have a nice day

:takeoff: Plotinus visiting the 5th dimension

:ballspin: post-modern deconstructionist philosopher

:ehh: Carl Jung reviewing psychological (or archetypal) aspects of world history

:newidea: Husserl with an idea

:idea: Heidegger following Husserl

🍿 Hollywood philosopher

:okpeople: Communist philosopher

… continued in next post …
… continued from previous post …

:pshaw: secular humanist philosopher

:juggle: secular relativist philosopher

:flowers: psychedelic philosopher

:frighten: Nietzsche again, or maybe a Grand Inquisitor, lol

:irish3: George Berkeley (Irish subjective idealist)
:yyeess: - Aquinas, at the table of Louis IX, coming up with a refutation of Manichaean heresy

:newidea: - Kant, with his Copernican Revolution

:cool: - Zeno of Citium, in all situations

:mad: - every Athenian philosopher when arguing with Socrates

:dancing: - Plato, reminding us to begin “up” on his Forms

:bowdown2: - Aristotle, reminding us to begin “down” on the material world
This one is from an external source but it’s public domain and usable here in various sizes.
The name is probably Santa Philosopher or Philosopher Claus.

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