Do any of you are involved in the prolife movement?

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If so, what do you do? Remember, nothing is too small. Just sitting at home praying a rosary a day for the end of abortion is an act that helps the prolife movement reach it’s goal.
Corpus Cristi:
If so, what do you do? Remember, nothing is too small. Just sitting at home praying a rosary a day for the end of abortion is an act that helps the prolife movement reach it’s goal.
Yes, I’m involved in pro-life work. I support several groups at various levels (national, regional, local) monetarily. Additionally, I sidewalk counsel and pray at an abortion facility. You are right-- there is no aciton too small, and prayer is ESPECIALLY important and certainly no small thing… it is the essential thing.
In college, we used to go pray in front of Planned Parenthood on the days they performed abortions. Now I’m in the training phase to begin volunteering at a wonderful local crisis pregnancy center. God is truly working there, and it’s always been a dream of mine to do this kind of work. If only I could do it as a full-time job! 🙂

My husband teaches religion and math at a local Catholic school. He has developed some really good lessons there on chastity, abortion, basic theology of the body and examining aspects of the culture we live in compared to what we’re striving for as Christians. He also has a boys group in which they can ask questions about anything related to the faith, morality, politics, etc. I’ve been able to help with his lessons a little and it’s been an awesome experience for us to work on this together, and to hear the stories from his students too.
Boy, am I involved in the prolife movement! I am the executive director of a prolife crisis pregnancy center. Trust me, prayer is the foundation of all we do there, so PLEASE keep praying.

I could tell you so many stories (good, bad, ugly, frustrating, poignant, passionate, funny, miraculous!) but I’ll keep it short for now. Suffice it to say there is NEVER a dull moment there; I never know what to expect next! It has been a wondrous opportunity to live out the gospel message because our clients are extremely poor, uneducated and all alone.
Yes, I am involved with pro-life.I am in a pro- life commitee, we go to the abortion mills and pray the Rosary weekly, wehave aspiritual adoption evry year,starting on the feast of the Annunciation.Every Advent our parish collects baby items for the local crisis pregancy centers. We have also started putting up a pro-life tent at our annual Italian festival which draws about 200,000 a year to get information out to the public.Recently, we are sending letters to the editor to try to inform.
There are many things that can be done.

First is the zealous defending of life within your own social circles. I am the Vice President of my college’s pro-life group. I protest I lead prayer services, I keep informed about the pro-life issues, ,
Never think that the little time you have to spare is not worth it.
One quick story.
One time while abortions were going on in the Erie Clinic, they are not now please pray that the continue to not exist, I was asked to help in the pro-life office that we bought just down the hall. In there we have fetal models and information and our goal is to get the women out of the building and down to the woman’s care center, a crisis pregnancy center.
I could only stay for a half-hour because of seminary obligations. During that half hour a woman came in thinking we were the clinic, we deliberately changed our office name so that we would appear right above the marquee of the clinic. Our name is Alternative Choices for Women theirs is American WOmen’s Health services.She came in and asked for an abortion and I gave her some pamphlets, sho opened the pamphlet and saw the baby. She qelled with tears and I asked how far along she was. SHe replied 14 weeks, so I showed her the fetal model of a 14 week year old. I then asked if I could get her to the Women’s Care Center where they could help her far better than the abortion facility could. I called a cab and went down and payed for it and called the center telling them she was on her way. She decided to carry the baby and give him up for adoption. He is now 1 years old.
Every little bit help, 5 minutes, or 5 years. It all helps
I am involved in an Educational Pro-Life group. Here is our website:

I also volunteer at a CPC when I have the time, and hope to get into counseling some day.

I always tell people that there are so many things to do, and we all have “specialties” which we should focus on.

#1 -Prayer, certainly the most important thing in ending abortion
#2- Voting- support pro-life candidates, lobby them, write, call, and e-mail
(the first 2 everone can do)
#3-Volunteer your time, work for a group like the one I am with, or for a local CPC
#4- Give financial support to CPCs, educational pro-life groups, pro-life politicians, give clothes, diapers, etc to CPCs.
#5- talk to friends and family about abortion, educate and support those around you

There is so very much that everyone can do, don’t ever feel like the little you have to give (time, money, resources) is not enough, every bit helps.
educating teenagers on full range of Church teaching on chastity, marriage & sexuality, life and human dignity. although all from “good Catholic families” at least 90% of girls think abortion is okay in case of rape or incest, and have a real hard time imagining alternatives to abortion if they or a friend becomes pregnant. in our county to top age for unmarried teens giving birth is 15.
We adopt special needs kids/babies.

Our first adoption, Claire was born with many helath problems, but was cute as can be and surely didn’t think anything was wrong with her. She lived 7 years and died unexpectedly four years ago.

Our second adoption, Christopher, who is six years old now, has a familial history of bi-polar disorder on the birth father’s side. He is also “bi-racial”. We have a wonderful open adoption arrangement with his birth mom and her family.

Our third adoption is Malachi, we have had him for less than a month. He is four and half years old and also bi-racial. He has been abused by birth mother and her family and the previous foster home. We are working to undo some of the damage. He is settling in pretty well. He is very happy with us.

I pray for the unborn while praying the Rosary. I also have a few pro-life bumper stickers. “smile, your mom chose life.” “mothering a proud profession” “angry? need a weapon? pray the rosary”
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