Do catholics agree

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with speaking in tounges?
Yes the Church believes this can happen.

The Church recognizes speaking in tongues as a legitimate charism (or gift) of the Holy Spirit, as manifested at Pentecost. It does not teach, however, that all speaking in tongues is the fruit of the Spirit.
do they do it though in meetings?

also do they lift their hands in praise? during worship?
strictly my opinion… (i always like to get that caveat out there),

speaking in tongue’s is defined for me as someone speaking in their language, but everyone hearing in their own language… i don’t personally subscribe to the jibber/jabber and then an interpreter has to reveal the inspired words… it’s never seemed to make much sence to me for the Holy Sprit to require an interpreter… I’m not sure of course… what do others think…?

what about raisein hands?
You will ocassionally see people raise their hands…but it’s not common.

However I don’t know what significance this has…one doesn’t need to raise their hands to worship, it doesn’t mean that it is a ‘better’ form of worship if you raise your hands.

Good Morning Church

It is very common to see folks raise their hands at Charismatic Prayer Meetings and Charismatic Masses. I see folks raise their hand in regular Masses as well, I do, myself. The Priest always does. It is Biblical as well as traditional to raise your hands in prayer.

I would love it if someone could tell me where this habit of praying with palms together in front of you comes from. I have never seen reference to it in Scripture or in History. It seems common in Islam.
One Jesuit told me it was an invention of nuns in Catholic schools when it pertains to Catholics.
i think it comes from a pleaing sign and has been adopted personaly i dont pray like that but it is good 4 kids ask it shows them that it is praying time
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