If they do not worship the same God, what distinguishes each God from the other?
Your thoughts?
Your thoughts?

Wait…your saying protestants DONT beliee in the same God? They do too…mormons do not but they are not even christian. Muslims and Jews deny Christ so how can they? Protestants are the CLOSEST to our faith. Where did the CCC say what you said?I cannot direct you to the exact numbered section but I can confirm with absolute certainty that the CCC affirms that there is no doubt that Orthodox Christians, Muslim and Jews worship the same God as Catholics.
Protestants however I believe aren’t mentioned. Wherever that’s deliberate or not I don’t know since many appear to, but then you get branches like the Mormons who clearly don’t.
Oh, I think they do, I just don’t think they were included in that section.Wait…your saying protestants DONT beliee in the same God? They do too…mormons do not but they are not even christian. Muslims and Jews deny Christ so how can they? Protestants are the CLOSEST to our faith. Where did the CCC say what you said?
Hrrm…This is actually been a fairly contested topic across history, but this is what the Second edition of the CCC has to say about it.Alright, makes sense. So I agree Muslims worship the same God the Father, but…can they go to Heaven, if Jesus said all are saved through him? Your thoughts?
Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.
A conceptual reality claimed Suarez.I think this is a huge point: trinity is a post biblical metaphor. Benedict, St. Thomas and therefore many other saints teach that it is an analogy or metaphor.
Why on earth would you get flamed?I’ll get flamed for this, but, here goes…If you believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and you believe Jesus is the Christ, the only Begotten Son of God The Father and you accept that he humbled Himself to be born of flesh and dwelt among us and suffered and died for the sins of all mankind and arose from the dead and ascended, then your my Christian brother/sister. We’re on the same team. Label yourself Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian or whatever.
How is the Trinity post-biblical?I think this is a huge point: trinity is a post biblical metaphor. Benedict, St. Thomas and therefore many other saints teach that it is an analogy or metaphor.
Therefore, we can know of God, as the Principle of all things, from reason alone, apart from faith, but we can only know of the Trinity with faith since it is a revealed dogma. The First Vatican Council also defined that God can be known from natural reason alone (Dei Filius, Canon 2.1) and St. Paul says, on account of this, those who do not acknowledge God (but worship idols, are atheists, etc.) are without excuse (Rom. 1:20).Concerning the use of the intelligence with regard to the Trinity, St. Thomas asks whether the Trinity of the Divine Persons can be known by natural reasoning. He answers: “It is impossible to attain to the knowledge of the Trinity by natural reason.” For man can obtain the knowledge of God by natural reason only from creatures. Now creatures lead us to God as effects do to their cause. Accordingly, by natural reason we can know of God that only which of necessity belongs to him as the principle of all things. Now, the creative power of God is common to the whole Trinity; and hence it belongs to the unity of the essence, and not to the distinction of the Persons. Therefore by natural reason we can know what belongs to the unity of the essence, but not what belongs to the distinction of the Persons. Whoever, then, tries to prove the Trinity of Persons by natural reason, derogates from faith.
Since Muslims and Jews do conceive of God as being completely self-actualized, of being non-contingent, as having aesity (see here for a Muslim article on this, al-islam.org/GodAttributes/need.htm , the Old Testament is sufficient proof of Jewish belief), then they therefore can only be said to acknowledge the one God who exists and it is to Him that they honor and worship as First Principle and Creator according to the virtue of religion.-If essence and existence were but one thing, we should be unable to conceive the one without conceiving the other. But we are as a fact able to conceive of essence by itself.
-If there be no real distinction between the two, then the essence is identical with the existence. But in God alone are these identical.
Well, if there is only one God in existence then for any set of god-directed prayers there is at most a total of 1 god that could be listening.If they do not worship the same God, what distinguishes each God from the other?: