Do dead people see their funerals?

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Do people who dead see what is happening on earth after their passing away?
Do people who dead see what is happening on earth after their passing away?
Patrick Madrid of CAF said:
  • Saints can be made aware of earthly life and our prayers by God.
  • Moses and Elijah aware of Peter, James, John at the Transfiguration.
People who are in Heaven are probably aware of their funerals just like they are aware of our prayers.
I have to think they would be aware of the prayers, suffrages, Masses, and penances done for the repose of their souls, and for their final entry into heaven, if they have satisfaction yet to make in purgatory.

Right now I’m visualizing some kind of celestial “leaderboard”, as in “your uncle Joe just said a rosary for the repose of your soul”, or “Father just celebrated a Mass for you”. Silly, perhaps, but still helpful, in explaining in a humorous way how the Communion of Saints takes care of each other, instead of the Protestant belief in “only two places”, i.e., heaven where no help is needed, and hell where no one can be helped.
think padre pio said they attended his masses, but that may have been for them.

I adopted a holy soul last year, I asked God to assign me one and I pray 2 hail marys for them a day
That’s wonderful that you adopted a holy soul. Won’t it be fun getting to meet them in Heaven one day, assuming you get there of course.
Do people who dead see what is happening on earth after their passing away?
Dead people – that is, disembodied souls – don’t have eyes. So, no, they can’t “see what’s happening on earth.”

As others have remarked, it’s possible that God might make them aware, but that would beg the question of why He would do so.
Dead people – that is, disembodied souls – don’t have eyes. So, no, they can’t “see what’s happening on earth.”
It’s also speculated that, if they have become part of the Body of Christ, they can see with his eyes.

That’s about the same as “if God wills…”
We don’t know. But if God wills, they could see or be aware of happenings on earth.
Do people who dead see what is happening on earth after their passing away?
Dead people – that is, disembodied souls – don’t have eyes. So, no, they can’t “see what’s happening on earth.”

As others have remarked, it’s possible that God might make them aware, but that would beg the question of why He would do so.
They don’t have physical eyes in their disembodied state, but they could have “eyes” in their spiritual form, that is, their ability in soul form to “see” what is going on. Surely, when Mary appeared in Fatima and elsewhere, she was able to “see” the children and others whom she appeared to. In heaven, there are no constraints or barriers such as we have in our physical/material world. If God allows it, it happens. (We must remember that Mary was assumed body AND soul into heaven, and hers is a glorified body.)

Why would God make the dead aware of what’s happening on earth? Why wouldn’t He? If he wants deceased relatives or friends to intercede and help those they’ve left behind here, He can surely make it possible for them to do so.

A priest once conveyed that a man who had been SCUBA diving got into trouble in the ocean. Suddenly, his former diving instructor, who had drowned two years before, appeared to him and told him not to panic, and guided him as to how to safely get out of that predicament. As a result, his life was saved.

I doubt the priest was making this up, as it would have been a grave sin to do so.

If we believe in the intercession of saints, then we must believe that departed loved ones who make it to heaven are in a position to help us on earth, God willing.

And not just deceased loved ones. Any saint can help us, if God want him or her to do so.

So, the short answer is, yes, they can see what happens on earth, and sometimes can intercede on our behalf.
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They don’t have physical eyes in their disembodied state, but they could have “eyes” in their spiritual form, that is, their ability in soul form to “see” what is going on.
No. The spirit doesn’t have “eyes”.
Surely, when Mary appeared in Fatima and elsewhere, she was able to “see” the children and others whom she appeared to.
(We must remember that Mary was assumed body AND soul into heaven, and hers is a glorified body.)
So… Mary does have “eyes that see”. The rest of us, upon our deaths, and prior to the eschaton, do not.
So, the short answer is, yes, they can see what happens on earth
That’s a nice pious belief and all… but neither taught by the Church nor anything that we might suggest is discernible from Catholic doctrine.
They can “see” in non-physical ways. Their having “eyes” is not in the literal, physical sense. It’s probably more awareness and knowing than seeing as we experience sight. If anything, once outside of the constraints of physicality, these abilities would be unfiltered and stronger than ever. And if God permits it, indeed, it can happen.
I’m planning on attending mine as well but there’s no set date that I know of-which always makes planning difficult-and I’m certainly not setting any dates. At the same time I’m just not that interested in knowing for some reason anyway so, as usual with my planning, I’ll probably end up dragging my feet for as long as I can. I don’t know if we can procrastinate or not with such matters but so far its worked with most things I’ve tried. 😄
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