I have discovered that I am definitely an introverted person. My job, however, requires me to be an extrovert, so on my days off, I like to enjoy time by myself and revert back to my comfort zone. I do have a lot of time off, too. So: with all of my time off, I feel like I should be serving God in some way, but does it have to be with an organization or among a lot of people? It just takes so much energy for me to socialize all the time, but I feel like God wants me to do something productive for Him with my time. Is it okay to “volunteer” my time by simply saying the Rosary or praying for others instead of actually having to join groups/organizations? I feel like a cop-out (if I chose this route) because in the Bible, Jesus and his disciples are always working among people. But I know, too, that lots of hermits and cloistered nuns (I am neither) devote their whole life to prayer. I just want to make sure I’m not just using my personality as an excuse to get out of devoting my time to service.