I doubt stones and plants have souls but perhaps mules do …
"**St. Anthony (1195-1231) was another great witness of the Holy Eucharist. One day he was arguing with a man named Guillard, an Albigensian heretic, who denied the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Guillard said to Anthony, “If you can prove to me by a public miracle, that the body of Christ is really in the Eucharist, I promise you that I will at once give up all my beliefs and humbly believe all the doctrines that you preach!”
St. Anthony was not afraid but humbly trusted that God would prove to this heretic, that the Body of Christ was really in the Eucharist. “Well,” said Guillard, “I have a mule which I shall keep without food for three days, and then I will bring it out to the public square. On your part, you will bring the Sacred Host. I will offer my mule some hay. If the mule kneels down before the Blessed Sacrament, instead of eating the hay, I will truly believe that I am wrong in my beliefs and I will believe in the Holy Eucharist.”
Anthony offered the whole affair to God and prayed earnestly that proof would be given to the man. On the third day, after he said his Mass, St. Anthony, came from the church carrying the Blessed Sacrament and at the same time singing a hymn. There was a great crowd of believers and unbelievers present to witness the miracle. Anthony then spoke to the mule, “In the name of God, your Creator, Whom I am unworthy to carry in my hands, I command you to come at once with all humility, and show God the respect that you owe Him. By doing this, God will prove to heretics that they must know that all creatures are subject to God their Creator who becomes present on the altar at Mass, by the words of the priest!”
Guillard then offered the hay to his hungry mule and suddenly received a great surprise. He was amazed to see his mule refuse to eat the hay and kneel down before the Blessed Sacrament. Guillard the heretic was converted on the spot and humbly knelt down before the Most Blessed Sacrament. Afterwards, to honour the occasion and to show that he was thankful for this grace, he had a church built on the spot where the miracle had taken place."**