Do other Churches have problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen-Maguire
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Just wondering if other Churches have problems of belief, as the onus always seems to be on the Catholic Churches problems ?

Is everything all sweetness and light in non Catholic Churches ?

Would anyone like to share some of the things that annoy them about their own Churches ?

Ok thanks in advance Stephen.
Just wondering if other Churches have problems of belief, as the onus always seems to be on the Catholic Churches problems ?

Is everything all sweetness and light in non Catholic Churches ?

Would anyone like to share some of the things that annoy them about their own Churches ?

Ok thanks in advance Stephen.
I think the problems with belief are unique to the Catholic Church and other Churches with a hierarchical structure that sets itself as the final authority.

In many protestant churches, especially those non-denominational Bible churches, it falls to personal intrepetation of the Scriptures.

For example, when I was a “born again” attending an Assembles of God Church I had issues with the praying in tongues. The pastors answer to my questions was, “Either you believe or you don’t.” That was it.

Especially in America with the distored view of what Freedom really is. Today people seem to think Freedom is the choice to do whatever they want. That is not ture Freedom.
Just wondering if other Churches have problems of belief, as the onus always seems to be on the Catholic Churches problems ?

Is everything all sweetness and light in non Catholic Churches ?

Would anyone like to share some of the things that annoy them about their own Churches ?

Ok thanks in advance Stephen.
Hi Stephen. I believe this a problem in all churches. There has got to be a problem with belief because many do not change and conform to be like Christ. To be a christian is to surrender and follow Christ. It is to die to sin dayly and crucify your flesh. Jesus said IF you obey me you love me. The question is do we really love Jesus by obeying Him? . Something to think about? :confused: God Bless.
One problem in a Protestant church that I was made aware of was the pastor’s wife. It makes a good case for priestly celibacy. She became a queen bee and was really running the church and wielding much power. The pastor finally got fed up and right during a Sunday service, he put down his wife in many words in front of the whole community. I would hate to have been him, when he got home. So far, my wife only comments on my homilies.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
if they do have a problem, they have the luxury of being able to leave and start their own congregation, how tempting.
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