Especially biological/genetic ~ Do these kinds of dispositions to certain sinful behaviors (e.g., prone to sloth or anger or lust) reduce personal responsibility?
Note I did not say ELIMINATE, rather, reduce.
If so, then do these personal predispositions to sin to an extent lessen moral culpability as well?
OR, rather, is it precisely our unchosen, born predispositions to sinful behavior that make us desire hell over God? That is, if I have a born psychological disposition to anger and lack of empathy, then am I never going to desire compassion and love, and so I will want hell — only be happy in hell. Is that right? In other words, is this what makes hell “getting what you want”?
I see two options: We either go to hell because we deliberately choose to, so that born predispostions to sinful behavior excuse our behavior — to an extent, of course — and so hell must be a conscious decision against God. OR it seems that our predispositions do not excuse us, but it doesn’t matter anyway, since hell is just getting what we want: An angry person would rather have hell, etc. And so even if some people are born for hell, it is just what they would want, anyway.
I know it seems fishy but I’m trying to balance different Catholic points and I’m not sure how. On the one hand, hell is not an arbitary punishment but relates somehow to what a human WANTS/chooses. “The gates of hell are locked from within,” as C.S. Lewis said. But then the other Catholic point seems to be that mortal sin requires free consent, which biological predispositions seem to affect. How to balance?
To put a more specific dilemma on the matter: It seems no one would freely choose hell, unless they were somehow “wired” to want it, in the first place. For who would choose against God, if God is precisely what is supposed to make humans happy?
Sorry long post. I had to get all the thoughts out
Note I did not say ELIMINATE, rather, reduce.
If so, then do these personal predispositions to sin to an extent lessen moral culpability as well?
OR, rather, is it precisely our unchosen, born predispositions to sinful behavior that make us desire hell over God? That is, if I have a born psychological disposition to anger and lack of empathy, then am I never going to desire compassion and love, and so I will want hell — only be happy in hell. Is that right? In other words, is this what makes hell “getting what you want”?
I see two options: We either go to hell because we deliberately choose to, so that born predispostions to sinful behavior excuse our behavior — to an extent, of course — and so hell must be a conscious decision against God. OR it seems that our predispositions do not excuse us, but it doesn’t matter anyway, since hell is just getting what we want: An angry person would rather have hell, etc. And so even if some people are born for hell, it is just what they would want, anyway.
I know it seems fishy but I’m trying to balance different Catholic points and I’m not sure how. On the one hand, hell is not an arbitary punishment but relates somehow to what a human WANTS/chooses. “The gates of hell are locked from within,” as C.S. Lewis said. But then the other Catholic point seems to be that mortal sin requires free consent, which biological predispositions seem to affect. How to balance?
To put a more specific dilemma on the matter: It seems no one would freely choose hell, unless they were somehow “wired” to want it, in the first place. For who would choose against God, if God is precisely what is supposed to make humans happy?
Sorry long post. I had to get all the thoughts out
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