I was thinking the other day of how difficult it is for so many people to stay committed in marriage. I applaud the people who stay married in a tough marriage, due to their faith. What I’m wondering is: if someone stays in a difficult marriage, especially with abuse issues or faithfulness issues - but even just those who fell out of love - is that person bound to be married to the person they don’t want to be married to when they reach heaven? What if someone married the wrong person and the right person is also married and they aren’t happy either? If we marry the wrong person on earth, is it possible for that to be corrected in heaven if we are faithful to the earthly commitment we made? Or is it better to be honest and correct that on earth? To leave a marriage in which a person must pretend to love another person without feeling that with their whole heart? We are obviously bound to many human mistakes in life, especially when we are young. If we realize later in life that a big decision we made when we were young was not made for the right reasons, does God give us any kind of latitude if we decide to change our marriage path when we are older? Is living with the feeling of lying in terms of the fact that you don’t love the person make a divorce or separation understandable in God’s eyes? I wonder.