Do the Damned communicate with us?

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I remember our catechist saying the we have “no communion” with the people in Hell.

On the other hand, she at other occasions told about miraculous “apparitions”, where people from Hell allegedly communicated with the living. Something about a professor, whose body at the funeral allegedly rose and said: “I’m damned!” Or about a nun, who appeared to her friend and told about her suffering and the reason of her suffering.

So, yeah, are they able to show themselves in this world?

No. Once you are in hell, you’re there.
Now, evil spirits, the prince of lies…that’s a whole other topic.
I remember our catechist saying the we have “no communion” with the people in Hell.

On the other hand, she at other occasions told about miraculous “apparitions”, where people from Hell allegedly communicated with the living. Something about a professor, whose body at the funeral allegedly rose and said: “I’m damned!” Or about a nun, who appeared to her friend and told about her suffering and the reason of her suffering.

So, yeah, are they able to show themselves in this world?
I once read a story about a girl who was in hell sending a letter to her neighbor about how she went to hell. Basically saying that just “being a good person” wasn’t enough. I think it might have just been that, a story, especially aimed towards people as a sort of warning that you have devote yourself to God and not just be nice. But it was still something to think about.
I am going to go out on a limb (no pun intended) and say that the Church has no definitive teaching on this, one way or another, and it is a valid area for theological speculation as an unsettled question. I would be happy to be proven wrong.
I think they can communicate with us when God wants them to so we can get set straight. I read a story, I think in a book called Hungry Souls, of a woman that was leading an unholy life and her friend died from getting too drunk. He walked into her bedroom, grabbed her arm, and singed all of the flash off while saying that he was in Hell. I probably messed up some details, but that’s the gist of it. Your catechist was correct that the damned are no longer in the communion of the saints.

If there is a séance or something of that sort, though, it is a demon and not the actual person. The damned soul will appear to the person by God’s command and not by their own impetus or our calling.
I once read a story about a girl who was in hell sending a letter to her neighbor about how she went to hell. Basically saying that just “being a good person” wasn’t enough. I think it might have just been that, a story, especially aimed towards people as a sort of warning that you have devote yourself to God and not just be nice. But it was still something to think about.
I never know what to think of such commentaries as this.
Definitely an interesting thread.

I once read a story about a girl who was in hell sending a letter to her neighbor about how she went to hell. Basically saying that just “being a good person” wasn’t enough. I think it might have just been that, a story, especially aimed towards people as a sort of warning that you have devote yourself to God and not just be nice. But it was still something to think about.
I read that same story in the anti=Catholic tracts put out by Chick Publications. It is just a story, but it illustrates how we need to share our faith in the Lord with others.
I had a similar discussion with a friend of mine years ago. This fellow happens to be Jewish (Reformed). The actual topic was whether or not we as human beings are able to communicate with the dead, a practice known as necromancy. My buddy and I were discussing the prohibitions in the Old Testament about consulting with familiar spirits and visiting mediums. NOTE: This was communicating with ANY DEAD individual; whether the person was damned or not is neither here nor there when it came to the subject of necromancy, since we were simply discussing whether or not it is possible to communicate with anybody who is dead.

I myself believe that YES it is possible to communicate with the dead for this reason: the Bible expressly forbids it. While God tells us not to keep company with those who maintain relationships with “familiar spirits” we are also told to avoid mediums and those who practice necromancy. Note that consulting with familiar spirits (demons) is not the same as necromancy (consulting with the dead). Also note that both are expressly forbidden by God. WHY would God tell His people not to do something that they physically are unable to do? Note that all things that we are forbidden to do (blasphemy, fornication, theft, murder, lying, etc.) are things that we as human beings are able to do, and sadly too often engage in. Notice that God does NOT forbid us to travel through time. Why not? Because we as humans are unable to engage in time travel. God does not forbid us to sit on clouds. Why not? Because we can’t. However God DOES forbid us to consult with familiar spirits (demons) and God DOES forbid us to practice necromancy, hence logically that tells ME that it IS possible to communicate with the dead, wherever that soul may have ended up. Granted, any seances may lead us to evil spirits or earthbound ghosts, but that is another matter entirely. The point is that I believe that it can be done.

On a side note, supposedly Thomas Edison had worked on inventing a machine that would allow us to communicate with the dead, a sort of ghostly telephone if you will.
Whatever happened to this project is unknown to me, but I find the story itself rather fascinating.

One other side note of interest: You may be interested in reading George Pendle’s book called “Strange Angel” which is the fascinating true story of John Whiteside Parsons. Parsons was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was also a hedonistic follower of Aleister Crowley and he dabbled in the occult. One of the chapters in the book describes a frightening incident in which one of his friends happened to conjure up a group of screaming banshees! This apparently frightened his associate so much that until the day he died, he always checked under his bed and in his closets for demons hiding in wait for him. The book doesn’t say that this fellow turned to Jesus afterward, but it does mention that he was severely traumatized by the incident.
If God allows it, yes.

What would be one reason God would allow it? For a teaching moment.

What would be a lesson to come away with? The importance of discernment.

Is it something we should seek out? No.
I remember our catechist saying the we have “no communion” with the people in Hell.

On the other hand, she at other occasions told about miraculous “apparitions”, where people from Hell allegedly communicated with the living. Something about a professor, whose body at the funeral allegedly rose and said: “I’m damned!” Or about a nun, who appeared to her friend and told about her suffering and the reason of her suffering.

So, yeah, are they able to show themselves in this world?
No. These stories are part of private revelation and are not part of the teaching of the Church.
The rich man in hell was apparently unable to communicate and warn his family, because he asked Abraham to send Lazarus from heaven with a message.

No. Once you are in hell, you’re there.
Now, evil spirits, the prince of lies…that’s a whole other topic.
IDK, Jesus warned us about contacting and speaking with departed souls, so why would he warn us against something if it wasnt even possible in the first place?

I have a feeling most of the time, when people think they are talking to a dead friend or relative, its actually a demon, tricking them, but this would not explain a dead relative trying to warn about hell, a demon would NEVER encourage someone to get closer to God.
IDK, Jesus warned us about contacting and speaking with departed souls, so why would he warn us against something if it wasnt even possible in the first place?

I have a feeling most of the time, when people think they are talking to a dead friend or relative, its actually a demon, tricking them, but this would not explain a dead relative trying to warn about hell, a demon would NEVER encourage someone to get closer to God.
I’ve read a few stories like this, lately. They certainly serve as big wake-up calls, nevertheless. Besides, I’ve had an odd spiritual experience of my own, only recently, that makes me think that this stuff is definitely a reality. Whether it was a dream or not, doesn’t really matter to me. Wouldn’t mess with any of this stuff.
The rich man in hell was apparently unable to communicate and warn his family, because he asked Abraham to send Lazarus from heaven with a message.
Yes and here it is from the NAB:
Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go from our side to yours or from your side to ours.’
He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house,
for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.’
But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’
  • He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
    Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’”k
Yes and here it is from the NAB:
Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go from our side to yours or from your side to ours.’
He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house,
for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.’
But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’
  • He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
    Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’”k
This is true, it says Abraham cannot contact his relatives, but it did not say his living relatives could not initiate contact, I still think if Jesus felt the need to warn us from doing this, it is surely possible, if it wasnt, there would be no need to warn us about it.

This would be similar to parents warning their kids its dangerous to sprout wings and fly, its not even something possible, so no need to warn them about NOT doing it.
This is true, it says Abraham cannot contact his relatives, but it did not say his living relatives could not initiate contact, I still think if Jesus felt the need to warn us from doing this, it is surely possible, if it wasnt, there would be no need to warn us about it.

This would be similar to parents warning their kids its dangerous to sprout wings and fly, its not even something possible, so no need to warn them about NOT doing it.
It doesn’t say that Abraham cannot contact the living. I infer that the rich man in hell cannot, but Abraham or Lazarus can, otherwise they would not have been asked.
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