Do the Franciscans of the Immaculate still exist?

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Hi all!

I was wondering if the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are still a functioning order. I’ve heard that they’ve been shut down for this reason and that reason, but I can’t tell between fact and fiction at this point because the Internet’s so wacky. This really seems to be one of my last options for asking. I attempted to email the vocations branch of the United States, but never have gotten a response. If anyone can give some insight, I’d be very grateful.

God bless!
Shut down? Their website is still up and running, with links to vocation videos and all. I think if they were shut down, there would be an announcement to that effect.

Perhaps you heard that their use of the Latin Mass was shut down. That happened over a year ago.
They are still going, I got an email from one of their monasteries yesterday.
I haven’t spotted that website before.

I would say, be patient and wait, as they are probably busy, and then send up a following email when a bit of time has passed.

Ave Maria!
Shut down? Their website is still up and running, with links to vocation videos and all. I think if they were shut down, there would be an announcement to that effect.

Perhaps you heard that their use of the Latin Mass was shut down. That happened over a year ago.
YES THAT’S PROBABLY IT. I read about that somewhere, there was a big to-do about it on that page, and it sounded like they were shut down. The people were probably just being overly paranoid. Thanks so much all! 🙂
They were having massive financial difficulties. I know because they called in the bonds which I owned.
Hi all!

I was wondering if the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are still a functioning order. I’ve heard that they’ve been shut down for this reason and that reason, but I can’t tell between fact and fiction at this point because the Internet’s so wacky. This really seems to be one of my last options for asking. I attempted to email the vocations branch of the United States, but never have gotten a response. If anyone can give some insight, I’d be very grateful.

God bless!
Ave Maria!

We’re still here! I have not heard of anything that would even hint that the order was shutting down. For someone discerning, I would try to not let all the gossip affect such an important decision. If you have any concerns, ask the vocation director directly to get the truth and relieve any doubt. “Come and see” to verify for yourself. Consult a good spiritual director as well. God will speak through him and help you see things more clearly.

Did you use the contact form from It may have been a glitch because in the past year or so we’ve done a bit of reconstruction to the internals of the website. Sorry about that! Don’t hesitate to try the vocation director again or call the shrine at 608-796-1300. You can also email me at or call the friary at 860-376-6840. The enemy is doing all he can to thwart your vocation so don’t give up!

In the meantime, consecrate yourself to our Our Lady. Place your vocation in Her hands and She will take care of everything for you. Don’t forget to try to go to daily Mass, frequent confession, pray the Rosary every day, and read the lives of the saints for more inspiration. You will be in our prayers every Thursday everning during our extended adoration for vocations. May God give you His peace. Ave Maria!

In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

fra John Paul

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin has several Friars from this order. Great men, I love their dark grey Franciscan habit 🙂
Ave Maria!

The friars also celebrate the Latin Mass there, as do others here in the USA, as well as others in the world.
They were having massive financial difficulties. I know because they called in the bonds which I owned.
“Massive financial difficulties”? I don’t know about that but I do know the Golden Legend talks about dragons and other giant serpents in the lives of the Saints.

(Sorry I don’t know what calling in bonds is but I hope we haven’t caused you any undue suffering. Trust in Our Lady and everything will be okay… promise!)

**“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” **-St. Pio

Ave Maria!
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