if any of u have read the earlier post u know that many of us have been discussing protestants and their chances of salvation… my main point has always been that protestants need to come into the catholic church… because they run the risk of going to hell…pat madrid, who at the the time was the vice president of catholic answers debated james white on sola scriptura… at the end of the debate pat madrid said that “many of u run the risk of going to hell because u are not catholic…” my whole point is that this is very very appropriate… that to just make apologetics an intellectual dialogue without letting Protestants know that this is serious is wrong… so serious their salvation may depend on it…if my attitude offended some i apologize but the truth is the truth…and pat madrid was totally correct and i wish more catholic apologists would take similar stands…incidentally catholic answers still sells the debate…i guees my question is to all those nay saysers --father hardon included is do u disagree with pat madrid’s statement …
He said “many of you run the risk of going to hell because you are not catholic.”
Now, hypothetically, he may have known a lot of the people in the audience very well, and believed, with good reason, that these people now believe that’ the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation, but that they refuse to enter it’, as the Catechism says. If this was the case, and he would have to have good grounds for believing this, then perhaps the statement might have been appropriate. However, I feel that as it was addressed to a general audience, that it obviously would not apply to all and therefore should have been reserved for a private one to one meeting with any of the individuals concerned.
But quite frankly I don’t think it is appropriate in almost all cases (e.g. an appropriate case might be if someone explicitly tells you they know they should become Catholic but they are refusing to do it, and quite frankly I’d leave that sort of comment to a priest) to individually, or as a group accuse people that they might go to hell for this reason. As we have been over and over, who knows what an individual’s state is in this regard.
It is entirely appropriate to state Church truths, i.e, to state what the Church believes, but not to tell someone ‘you run the risk of going to hell’ when you cannot know what that person’s position is in that regard, i.e. ‘refusing to enter it’ (the Catholic Church)