Humans like to feel that they are at the centre of the universe, at the centre of everything, when in fact we are not, we are so afraid and weak that we want and need to feel protected and loved so we think we are the centre of God’s eyes when in fact the universe doesn’t seem to put us into consideration, only we do, and we created Gods on our image, who care for our earthly concerns. What do you think?
I think this question is one of the biggest compilations of generalization and half-truths masquerading as a legitimate philosophical/spiritual inquiry I’ve ever encountered.
“Humans like to feel that they are at the center of the universe” Hell of a generalization. Feel, maybe, think, no. The vast number of theistically oriented humanity realizes we are not the center of the universe, but rather inhabitants of a vast and wonderful creation that came into existence through the will of a creative force that treasures all of His/Her/Its creation. See the scriptural reference of God knowing when every sparrow falls, every hair on your head, etc.
“we are so afraid and weak” Really, a species that controls the fate of every living thing on the planet is afraid and weak? Tell that to those who established freedom and fight to maintain it every day.
“we are the centre of God’s eyes when in fact the universe doesn’t seem to put us into consideration, only we do, and we created Gods on our image, who care for our earthly concerns.” Devoid of reason, will, and volitional consciousness, I would have to agree that the universe doesn’t put us into consideration. Given our physical makeup, we are inferior to almost everything in the animal kingdom. We would be extinct as a species in a couple generations. Thing is, man is the only species out of the billions that exist and have existed, that is endowed with reason and will (and the higher emotions). Nature, specifically evolution, did not grace man with these qualities simply because it is statistically impossible. One species out of billions? Why did reason and will not evolve in say, elephants, dolphins, mosquitos, lemurs, or any other creature? This gift, could only have come from a creative entity of a higher nature. A God. Again, the understanding of the theistically oriented.
“and we created Gods on our image,” And again, for those who believe, see the first and second chapter of Genesis. Reason, will, and the higher emotions are not found in any other species, mankind, at least after what we call the "age of reason’ does not have instinct; that quality in all other created lifeforms that predetermines their very survival. And those qualities did not “evolve.” They were infused in the human mind by a higher power. A power of pure love.
My answer.