Hi! I always tought about this, but yesterday I was reading the cathecism and I finally decided to ask someone here about this subject. Considering that:
- The Catholic Church states that each one of us, human persons, are not just body or soul and that we also are not just a agglutination of both, but an unity that is formed by the mix of the two;
- The Catholic Church also states that, after we die, our soul is separeted from the body;
- What happens to us after we die? Do we live as just souls until the Final Judgment, when we will finaly get a new body?
- If we cannot say that we, as human persons, are just a soul or just body, as catholics, how could we say that, after death, once separated from the body, we would still be human? Do we lose our humanity at death, i.e., if this is correct, until we ressurect, will we be only partialy human? I mean, if being human is to be an unity of body and soul, how could we still be humans once separated from our bodies?
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